About Me

I'm the second born in a family of superheros, but the very last out of all 12 to have acquired any powers: As of 2005, I discovered I have the ability to heal instantly, as well as heal others via a kiss or tears. More recently, I've also discovered I have unpredictable adrenaline-based teleportation.
I am the semi-leader of a semi-group of alien friends called The Mythical Gang. The only humans in my E.T club are myself, my ex-arch enemy Lavender, and Pegasus. We've raised 7 genetically-enhanced child experiments, and are still making new friends with new super-kids. Together we get into all kinds of trouble; meeting big-name super heros and villains along the way!

And with that recipe for disaster, you know this blog is gonna be fun!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Thor, Loki, Mario, Luigi, Elsa, Anna, and what they all have in common..

Went window shopping the other day.... And saw this:

At first I thought it was a couple of very convincing cosplayers, but then Thor looked up and saw me. We hadn't been in contact with one another since the first fiasco in which the Avengers were formed, but somehow he recognized me... Guess my blue suit is not something one can easily forget.

Anyway, he beckoned to me, so I came inside to say hello. Admittedly, I was surprised and suspicious to see both Loki and Thor is one place not beating the scrap out of one another, but decided not to ask about it-- In the end I didn't have to. Thor explained that he and Loki are on, eh... Truce, I guess? Apparently something happened back home that put them on "Okay-terms" for the time being.

So, Thor starts talking, mentions the food, and everything like that. And though I AM listening to him, Loki and I happen to meet each other's gaze. Que instant awkwardness! He give me that fakey smile of his, briefly alluding to our last meeting and how foolish he found me. I just give him a forced grin and a brief wave, but I'm mostly just kinda staring at him like:

I mean, clearly he hasn't forgotten our little game of Tic-Tac-Toe-- But I've also still got Phil Coulson's troubles fresh in my mind. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy Mario and Luigi are working on being okay again, but I'm in no mood to become chummy with either of them.

I mean, they think I'm someone's Court Jester
and you already know how they look to me:

So yeah, Thor inquired after the group and my welfare, but I didn't have anything to tell him. He got the idea that I have been lonely lately and insisted I stay and have lunch with the two of them. I should have made excuses, I should have asked him if he was crazy, I should  have flat out refused!... But I didn't. None of these things crossed my mind at the time... In fact, his invitation was so sudden and enforced that my mind drew a blank. So I sat down.

..... On that little chair in the corner, beside Thor.

Thanks to Jane, Thor pretty much had the idea wen it came to ordering food. Now, you can imagine what exchanges were given here. Some stuff from Thor to Loki, some one slightly sarcastic replies from Loki and a word of mockery to torment me, a pleasant exchange to Thor and a snark at Loki; smiles all around.... To be honest, I don't know how it happened...Somehow, after lunch was served and we didn't have Thor to keep us playing nice, it just became a snark-off between Loki and I to see who was wittier. Well, eventually Loki got my goat.

Offended, but with no come-back, I gritted my teeth and returned to my plate.
Then "Let It Go" began to play over the speaker.

My face, ironically shared by Loki once, was this:

Rather then take the song's advice, I used it as my weapon.

I asked if either of them had watched Frozen... When Thor admitted that neither of them had, and inquired after what it was; I told them it was a beautiful story about two sisters reconnecting after a tragic secret tore them a part. The first sister had terrible insecurity issues and frosty powers she never told anyone about, until after having an argument with her sister, then ended up freezing the whole kingdom. The other sister, who is a bit of a dopey airhead, ends up befriending a weirdo (who had been raised by trolls) and his moose who help her find her sister, and it all ends on a frozen lake where the second sister becomes a statue while saving the first sister, whose heart is melted and the day saved. Ending my whole rant with a "Sort of like you guys!"

.....I was being funny.

They didn't get it. But they agreed it was the strangest thing they had ever heard of. I delivered the final blow with: "Yeah, parents hate it like you wouldn't believe. Still, your little tour of Midgard wouldn't be complete if I didn't subject you to it's madness."

Thus, I retrieved two phones, accessed the film online and let them watch. As you can see from the picture above, they were in the midst of it when I packed my doggie-bag and excused myself. I love how utterly focused they both seem to be, don't you? Hehehe!

Lloyd Out!