About Me

I'm the second born in a family of superheros, but the very last out of all 12 to have acquired any powers: As of 2005, I discovered I have the ability to heal instantly, as well as heal others via a kiss or tears. More recently, I've also discovered I have unpredictable adrenaline-based teleportation.
I am the semi-leader of a semi-group of alien friends called The Mythical Gang. The only humans in my E.T club are myself, my ex-arch enemy Lavender, and Pegasus. We've raised 7 genetically-enhanced child experiments, and are still making new friends with new super-kids. Together we get into all kinds of trouble; meeting big-name super heros and villains along the way!

And with that recipe for disaster, you know this blog is gonna be fun!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Super Mega Awesome ART DUMP OF POWER!!!!

...The title of this post was intentionally misleading.
Yes, this is an art dump.
No, it is not super, mega, awesome, or powerful..

..In fact, I was going through my things; belated New Year's cleaning I guess, and I discovered millions and millions of pictures I drew millions and millions of years ago. Before I show them to you, I ask you not to berate the art style. It is extremely old: And though I have improved greatly since drawing these, we all start somewhere, and someone else in this big wide world may be at the same level now that I was at then..


This is me.

This is Lavender; 
my ex-arch enemy and the perpetual Yin to my Yang, nevertheless one of my best friends. 

This is Genovia; my dearly departed Marsian friend-- 
And when I say 'dearly departed', I don't mean dead. I mean 'away at Medical School'.

This is the willful traitor who went back to her home planet to start dating. 
We call her Dragon.

This is yet another traitorous alien scum who thought progression in life is more important than my emotional well-being, and chose to "expand his career" by joining some big name super heroes.
We call him Griffin; he's Dragon's twin brother, ironically enough.

This is Fairy; our darling peacekeeper and fashionista.
She was stolen from me by Popstar Pegasus, who needed a new fashion designer. Grrr..

This is our fiery Phoenix; she's the embodiment of the Element Of Fire itself.

And of course, you remember the MGAP kids. They're all grown up now, making their own way in the world and spending time with their foster families, but never too busy to lend The Mythical Gang their help whenever we need it... Well, I mean, what's left of the Mythical Gang anyway. *pouty face*

You remember Erik, of course. 
The patience-testing prankster we just couldn't live without.

This is Tekan; 
A level-headed gentlemen with Spock-ish intrigue to be sure.

Duuude! It's Miko.
Our surfer-speaking cool kid. He always knows what's awesome to do.

This is dainty Jewel;
Living proof that dignity and lady-like mannerisms can still blend with epic superhero spunk!

Ah, our spicy Sheran;
She's retained her spirit and strangely snarky charm. I love this kid so much!

Marrietta-- Er, Aquamarine, actually.
Resident of Atlantis. Discovering her birth family inspired us to find foster families for the other MGAP kids as well--  Turns out it was all for the better, because these kids have turned into some really well-behaved heroes who love their families.

This is Vanna;
...Er... It's a long story.

Oh lookie! I finally have those pictures of the creepy scientist guys I stole the MGAP kids from! I know I promised these pictures a million, million years ago--  But to be fair, that's exactly how old these pictures are.

Dr. Dreadway is the balding cheekbone dude.
Dr. Vince is the long haired crypt-keeper.
and Dr. Trag is that bulky bald fellow.

EW! Heebie jeebies just from looking at them! BLECK!
Dr. Neela and The Headmaster.. 
Took us awhile to figure out these two were married, and Vanna is their daughter. Oi! That was seriously the most emotionally exhausting, creepazoid, freakish insane mission I have ever been a part of...

...Yeah, don't like to think of it.
Moving on!

And last but not least, where would we be without a group photo of everyone?

Oh, your poor eyes. No, I'm just kidding!
Well, I hope you enjoyed those.

Lloyd Out!