About Me

I'm the second born in a family of superheros, but the very last out of all 12 to have acquired any powers: As of 2005, I discovered I have the ability to heal instantly, as well as heal others via a kiss or tears. More recently, I've also discovered I have unpredictable adrenaline-based teleportation.
I am the semi-leader of a semi-group of alien friends called The Mythical Gang. The only humans in my E.T club are myself, my ex-arch enemy Lavender, and Pegasus. We've raised 7 genetically-enhanced child experiments, and are still making new friends with new super-kids. Together we get into all kinds of trouble; meeting big-name super heros and villains along the way!

And with that recipe for disaster, you know this blog is gonna be fun!

Monday, September 3, 2018

In Neverland with Spider-man...

What do you think of when you hear the name "Spider-Man"? 
 Personally, I think of spiders and men, two things I'm not fond of...
(P.S NEVER been fond of spiders, but the men thing is a bitterness phase that comes and goes with being single about midway to your 30's.)

Anyway, I finally braved my fear of both and met this Spider-Man I've heard so much about.........

.............What can I say? He's adorable! He's a blooming 15 year old which, you know, I did not expect-- I was ten years old when he was born! But I love him. He's so stinking adorable and fun in every sense of the word. Meeting him made me feel very, VERY old because it reminded me about all the up-and-coming super heroes and villains popping out of the wood work; all of which are younger than the contents of my pantry. 

I think I need to go shopping...

Lloyd Out!

Monday, April 30, 2018

Can You Believe Some Alternate Dimensions?

This is my dimension, right? The one I originally came from?
I think it is, but I've been jumping around alternate dimensions for so long, I can't honestly tell anymore. I've got a super weird friends now, not just Robyn. I'm planning on making a series of posts to introduce them all to you-- Assuming I don't get swept back into another alternate dimension.

Some of those things are just plain sorry, you know? Like, really really really really REALLY--

And there's so many versions of how sorry, borderline crazy-sorry, they can be. Like the ones where you meet your exact-opposite self who is you, but a mass-murdering villain kind of you rather than a life-saving hero kind of you.

Yeah, that's the look you give them..

But then you jump back into the portal and you find the dimension where you died, and all the repercussions that come with that; like where your friends ended up, what never happened because you weren't there-- It's A Wonderful Life kind of stuff. Even those carefully advised individuals who were never given that careful advice to correct their lives and now they live in jail and its YOUR fault for being dead. 

I know. The guilt is killing me.

Or those dimensions like the one I just visited where everyone gets dead. Yeah. The Avengers, Geeks of the Galaxy, Doctor Who-Was-He-Again, Nick Furry-- All of them. Everyone gets dead. Killed by some purple faced alien guy with a bulky jaw who just wanted to, I dunno, kill everybody I guess-- Because that's what he did. Everyone was dead.. He killed them with his Magic Glove Of Shiny Death! It wasn't even fair! I've never fully understood the word "Power-playing" until I met that guy. He was like the BIGGERST power-player in the world. 

And he wasn't even nice about it, he was a jerk!

The dude even had The Hulk shivering, THE HULK!!! Who does that? He defeated the undefeatable, killed the unkillable, and nobody could do anything about it-- Because when they did, he just undid it with his stupid glove! That stupid two-eye'd-brain-dead-flying-purple-people-eater! I'm sure he had his reasons, but I don't even care what they were. I'm all like:

So yeah, everyone in that dimension is dead. You know, when I say "everyone" I don't mean EVERYONE. Of course not! I bet you knew I was exaggerating when I said it. So, not everyone.. Just, you know, the most annoying Avengers and me.. Because it was disintegration that killed everyone, and since I heal instantly, that's like....

And that's the look I give the vast nothingness all around me.
...Because everyone else is dead.

I don't even know how that all ended. I jumped back in the portal and went home to my own dimension where nobody is dead, not even Phil Coulson because of some quote-unquote "Blue Healing Alien", or Nick Fury who is a big faker! So nobody is dead in my dimension.. But everybody, EVERYBODY, is dead in another alternate dimension. 

Alternate dimensions are weird.

I have a load to tell Batman about this little chip in my neck now, if I ever decide to get back to him on it. He contacted me while I was gone demanding I get back to him on it, and I'm just like "I have a life outside of my crossovers with you, you know." ... I'd never actually say that to him though because he's never been to the freaky dimension where I'm just a regular girl and he's a fictional character in a comic book... Oi! That was an interesting experience.

Lloyd Out!