About Me

I'm the second born in a family of superheros, but the very last out of all 12 to have acquired any powers: As of 2005, I discovered I have the ability to heal instantly, as well as heal others via a kiss or tears. More recently, I've also discovered I have unpredictable adrenaline-based teleportation.
I am the semi-leader of a semi-group of alien friends called The Mythical Gang. The only humans in my E.T club are myself, my ex-arch enemy Lavender, and Pegasus. We've raised 7 genetically-enhanced child experiments, and are still making new friends with new super-kids. Together we get into all kinds of trouble; meeting big-name super heros and villains along the way!

And with that recipe for disaster, you know this blog is gonna be fun!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Continued from Boom!

Though it's been awhile, I'm gonna continue from where I left off:

I'm thrust forward on my holographic computer screen, "Lloyd out!" on you guys, and rush to see what the problem is. An explosion makes Bruce go crazy and become Hulk, but I'm barely able to make sense of everything before I suddenly feel an indescribable pain in my back and I black clean out.. Shot from behind.
No, don't worry. I'm fine..

Apparently the S.H.I.E.L.D ship fell under attack by some weird dude named HawkEye-- A guy supposedly on our side, but was under mind control before Black Widow cracked him hard in the head. He's really good at shooting arrows. Like, No. Stinking. Kidding. He killed me and I missed EVERYTHING!
..Well, he would've killed me if not for my instant healing abilities; but that's why I passed out.. Thing is, when the damage inflicted is hard enough to kill me, it usually knocks me out for about an hour or so, so my body can focus completely on healing. Things like cuts, burns, dropping from a great height and splatting on the pavement, acidic baths, deep gashes, or weapons passing through one of my appendages in an attempt remove it, the damage would be healed before it could be done.. But don't get me wrong. I still feel the pain as it happens and it's a wonder I haven't gone into shock yet.. But maybe that's what the passing out thing is all about. =/

Anyway, I wasn't gonna let Mr. HawkEye know what happened though, considering he was only just recovering after having a very rough day, and it wasn't technically his fault at all, but yeah..

I was out and thus I wasn't around to help Black Widow when Bruce was hurt and went crazy Hulk all over her; though she seems to be fine enough now- (Made of sterner stuff and all that.) Thor intervened and managed to knock Hulk off the ship, but he's invincible so he didn't need my assistance. Then Thor gets caught in Loki's fish-bowl and dropped.. But Thor is also kind of invincible and didn't exactly need my help either. Lavender wasn't hurt, but we discovered that Loki's pure energy spear can go right through her pure energy shields when she tried to stop him from getting on an escape jet.
What I really, REALLY regret is Phil. I wasn't able to help poor Phil, and he didn't make it.

Guess what: Apparently the fish-bowl they locked Loki in, had a Tic-Tac-Toe lock!  
Talk about being set up. Who in the world comes up with a lock like that?! Much less chuck me, of all people, in a room that holds a bad guy in a cage with a lock like that! I showed him the square you use to win every single time.

I don't care if I was being annoying and can't die, Nick Fury is evil and it's all his fault! Did you know he was making weapons with that Tesseract-energon-cube thingy? They were talking about it while I was in there trying to figure out Loki's favorite color.. Which I did, only I didn't.

He said it was "haima".
I thought that was Asgaurdian for purple or yellow.
Lav tells me it's greek for "blood".
So it's red?
No, Thor says his favorite color is green.

So Nick, WHY did you send ME in there to figure out his favorite color if THOR already knew it?!

So then we were mad. Every single one of us were very, very mad and we head to Midtown Manhattan, New York City to take it out on the someone who deserves it. AKA Loki. Loki's got some crazy portal open though and is letting in his alien buddies from the planet Boogers.. Seriously, you do not want to see them. They were like a flying, armored version of what comes out of your nose each morning, and they were ripping the city apart. Que the fighting to save/avenge the Earth as we know it..

 Here's a pic on how that turned out:

There's a lot of explosions and chaos-- You might have seen the news.
I don't really do much fighting because I've only got one ability, and it's not very damaging. 

"All right, listen up! Until we can close that portal up there, what we need is containment. Barton: I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark: you've got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash. Thor: you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal, slow them down. You've got the lightning - light them up! You and me: we stay here on the ground, keep the fighting here. Lloyd: you're with Lavender- heal anybody who's got hurt and get everybody to safety. And Hulk: smash!" Says Captain America.
SQUEE!!! He said my name!!... My super hero name, but my name nonetheless.
So Lav and I are set on civilian protection. Lavender held force fields to defend fleeing personnel, and I used vials of tears that I had saved from the last time I cried-- FYI, after I heard about Phil, to heal wounds as everyone moved to safety. Surprisingly, even though there is a non-stop of alien lifeforms flushing out of the portal, most people in the tall glass buildings are doing nothing but staring out their windows with jaws hanging open! GET TO SAFETY PEOPLE!!! Don't wait to panic and flee after it shatters through the wall, because by then it's too late, okay?

I call on the the Mythical Gang to help get people to safety so the Avengers can focus more on the fighting. Genovia, Phoenix, Fairy, Gryffin, and Dragon all lend a helping hand in moving people from the buildings to a totally different part of the city.

"This isn't doing any good. As long as the portal stays open, they're gonna keep coming." Someone says over comlink.

"The Mythical Gang has everyone pretty much in the clear. I could try to get us a head start by plugging it up for a bit, buy us some time to figure out how to close it." Lavender offers. Iron Man orders her to Stark Tower to see what she can do. I tag along because, as Lav said, the gang seemed to have everything pretty much under control- but I left a few vials of tears with Fairy, just in case.

Apparently Black Window is gonna meet us there, so we dodge and weave our way through the streets and up to Stark Tower. "I thought Loki was here." I said nervously once we get in the elevator. 

"I hope so. I have a score to settle with him." Lavender growled.

"What score?" I asked.

"I'm famous for my impenetrable shields. Nobody, I repeat, NOBODY breaks through one and gets away with it." She said. 

Just then, the elevator clicked and we entered to see a dazed Loki laying on the floor. Fortunately enough for him, Hulk beat us to the punch, which meant Lavender didn't get to "smash him" even though she really super wanted to. She did laugh at him and smugly ask if it wasn't ironic that what goes around comes around- Doing her whole villain-thing of kicking the dog while it's down, and I was just like:

"Lav... Leave him alone and get over here."
Then we got back to business.

We raced outside, looking for a way to get to the roof when suddenly my foot caught on something and I fell clean over, flat on my face.
"Lloyd! Lavender!" Black Widow called, "Can you toss that up to me?" 

"Lav has a better arm then me." I say, rubbing my nose and making a note that if I miss, it'll fall back on to the street and waste precious time. So Lav snagged it and threw it up toward Black Widow who narrowly caught it, then vanished on the rooftop. 

"What do you think she needed that for?" I asked. The answer was soon clear when Black Widow announced that the staff could close the portal. 

What happened after that was just classic..
Iron Man is the sarcastic selfish type who never does anything unless there's something in it for him, so it's only the final irony when the faceless S.H.I.E.L.D masterminds send a nuke bomb our way and Iron Man is willing to risk his own life to redirect it up into the alien space ship beyond the portal. It's been my expirence when someone selfish does something pretty brave and selfless; they're rewarded for it by a lucky turn of events..
We all thought he was gone as the portal began to close-- But out he falls; missing the shut portal by a toe.

And so ends this whole mess. The Avengers go get Loki and the Tesseract, then we all treat ourselves to weird sandwiches at a weird place that Stark really wanted to try, then we all go home... Well, almost.

Just before Loki and Thor disappear, I was sure to give Loki a piece of my mind by smiling victoriously and drawing a Tic-Tac-Toe pattern in the air, then crossing out the X's that had won me the last 6 games I played against him. From the look on his face, I think he got it. >=D 

I know a brief summary of what happened is not as interesting or funny as when it's fresh in my mind, but I couldn't find a spare moment to sit down and write for the past few days. Anyway, the Avengers have all gone their separate ways now. Lav and the gang are all back at the Myth Mansion living it up, and I'm happily at home with my family.

So to end this adventure Loo-Kee style:

 "When Lloyd ate too many doughnuts, she lost her mind and couldn't think right, thus putting herself and her friends in a dangerous situation.. Remember that too much of a good thing can definitely be a bad thing. And we learned from when Lloyd taught Loki Tic-Tac-Toe, that you should never give your X's and O's away to just anyone. Bye for now!"

Lloyd out!

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