About Me

I'm the second born in a family of superheros, but the very last out of all 12 to have acquired any powers: As of 2005, I discovered I have the ability to heal instantly, as well as heal others via a kiss or tears. More recently, I've also discovered I have unpredictable adrenaline-based teleportation.
I am the semi-leader of a semi-group of alien friends called The Mythical Gang. The only humans in my E.T club are myself, my ex-arch enemy Lavender, and Pegasus. We've raised 7 genetically-enhanced child experiments, and are still making new friends with new super-kids. Together we get into all kinds of trouble; meeting big-name super heros and villains along the way!

And with that recipe for disaster, you know this blog is gonna be fun!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Start in the middle...

I know this is my first post on my brand new blog, but unfortunately, you're not starting at the beginning. I've been in the super hero biz with my friends and family for some time now, and as a super hero, I'm used to charging right into things... So let's get started!

My most recent avenger-- I mean, adventure took place... Today, I believe.
Genovia, Fairy, Pheonix, Dragon, and Gryffin have all finally returned from their galactic exploit, so Lavender and I decided it would be fun to take everyone shopping and get brought up to speed on the universal news. From what I've been told, Earth is a wild-life preserve under the protection of a galactic armada and my very own space-traveling sister, Galaxia. Details were mostly classified, but our alien buddies made us aware that they had all been called away as representatives of their planets, to protect Earth from alien invaders that would do it great harm and had been arguing with senators and fighting for their lives for at least 8 months solid.

Half way to the mall, we were ambushed by some of Lav's old team mates, who in turn were ambushed by some of Nick Fury's team mates.

"I didn't know you were friends with S.H.I.E.L.D!" Gryffin calls, all excited like.

"I'm not." I replied stiffly, taking a few steps back. I have it on good authority that S.H.I.E.L.D isn't fond of mutants or aliens, so what were they doing saving our necks?

"You're to come with us. Agent Fury wants to see the two of you." One of the men says, pointing between myself and Lavender. I can hardly believe the excitement in the eyes of my team mate as she willingly starts toward one of the big armored helicopters. Naturally, I had my protests.
Nothing too bossy or outrageous, just something along the lines of:

"ARE YOU NUTS?! THESE GUYS WORK FOR S.H.I.E.L.D!! You know, Super Hero Initiate Exterminating Legal Defense?"  

"Lloyd.. That doesn't even make sense." Lavender said skeptically

"It's like alien abduction! They're taking to you to their leader! Do you even know who their leader is? It's Nick Fury, for crying out loud! That guy in freakish black cape and one burning eye! Don't go! This is a trap! Besides, we're totally supposed to be spending time with everybody." I end in a moan.

"It's called a trench-coat." Lavender said.

"We'll be fine. We'll wait for you two back at Myth Mansion. Go on, this could be important." Genovia insists. 

"Common Lloyd! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity." Gryffin begged, pushing me along.

Despite feeling as though my extra terrestrial friends were trying to get rid of the Earthlings again, I continued my protest:

"When S.H.I.E.L.D picks you out, it's not an honor.. It's a threat!" I argued. The majority of the Mythical Gang waved goodbye to us as we ascended into the sky, and eventually vanished from sight.

"If you don't like S.H.I.E.L.D so much, why are you coming?" Lavender asked.

"Don't let them fool you. I didn't really have a choice. S.H.I.E.L.D tells you what to do and you better do it! If you say 'no', you're a public enemy! Besides, I'm coming for your sake. I won't be able to save you, but at least I can try to heal any damage that may be inflicted upon you.... AS YOUR DRAGGED KICKING AND SCREAMING OFF TO SOME MEGA FISH-BOWL CONTAINMENT UNIT!.. The only one who might be able to help us is Genovia- Assuming of course they haven't invented someway of keeping phasers from phasing through things."

"Actually, I think they have." Lavender says thoughtfully.

"Great, then we're all doomed." I sigh.

 "Lloyd, stop being such a drama-queen. You're embarrassing me." Lavender snaps, then turns to the officers standing nearby and smiles. "Just ignore her.. She always gets like this after a tough fight. So what does Agent Fury want with us exactly?"

Puh! What indeed!
Now comes the part where I must introduce you to a parasite-- I mean, person called Loki:

No... No, that's Loo-Kee. He's a cute little blue-tailed squirrel-like creature with a good moral lesson who appears at the end of every She-Ra: Princess Of Power episode. As far as I know, he's a good guy- But even if he weren't, he's not who I'm talking about at all! No, no.

THIS is who I'm talking about. This here is Loki. He comes from another planet- er, dimension- er, whatever.. Point is, he's a tourist and we all know how annoying they are! Apparently, he took a wrong turn on his way to Asgaurd's Rehab For Psychopaths, and instead ended up on Earth- More importantly, inside a popular American haunt called; "One of S.H.I.E.L.D's secret bases", where they were running tests on something called the Tesseract. From what I understand, Loki popped in, snagged this bite-sized energon cube, called a taxi, and made a quick get-away...

Now back to us. Turns out, Nick needed Lavender's expertise on pure energy- She can make pure energy force-fields that are pretty much impenetrable after all, and I was to tag along because I was supposedly Lavender's leader. We're now on Nick's flying.. Uhm.. Battleship thingy, but I'm not content. A little while ago, as soon as I had an opening, I crept up to Nick and scowled hard at him.

"So how'd you get my phone number?" I ask.

"We're S.H.I.E.L.D." He replies bluntly, then turns his computer at me. "And we discovered your website."


................ I'm gonna have to pause my story for now. I just received word that Captain America is on this floating junk pile and I wanna meet him!.. No, I won't go crazy fan girl all over him, but I do wanna meet him.

Lloyd out!

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