About Me

I'm the second born in a family of superheros, but the very last out of all 12 to have acquired any powers: As of 2005, I discovered I have the ability to heal instantly, as well as heal others via a kiss or tears. More recently, I've also discovered I have unpredictable adrenaline-based teleportation.
I am the semi-leader of a semi-group of alien friends called The Mythical Gang. The only humans in my E.T club are myself, my ex-arch enemy Lavender, and Pegasus. We've raised 7 genetically-enhanced child experiments, and are still making new friends with new super-kids. Together we get into all kinds of trouble; meeting big-name super heros and villains along the way!

And with that recipe for disaster, you know this blog is gonna be fun!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Being "Lloyd"...

Today I've decided to address a common, name-related misconception. and explain a few things about my suit. You see, I've had a lot of people ask me why I chose "Lloyd" as my super name, instead of something more related to my powers, and why my suit isn't themed..
Well firstly, your suit is not only something you throw together to hide your real identity, it's a form of wearable art. Art is always the artist expressing themselves, and a suit always expresses a part of who you are. Many super suits are themed after their creator's powers- Powers being a part of who that person is..  Thing is, I started my super hero career and created my suit back before I had any powers, so I had to choose some other aspect of my personality to theme it off of: My suit is simple and blue because I love simple things and royal blue has always been my favorite color, so I went with that.
As for my name, did you know that many civilians know me as "BlueGirl"? This is because of  the media. Newspapers and reporters are unfailingly always the ones whom give new super heroes their names. Take Superman, Ironman, and Spiderman for instance-- Well, Spiderman got his name from a wrestling match, didn't he? 
Anyway, very few non-super powered people know that I actually go by 'Lloyd'.
'Lloyd' within it's self doesn't have anything to do with me, but it became my super name during a hilarious string of events which involved my cousin being obsessed with something called The Legend Of The Dragoons and more particularly interested in a character called Lloyd. He spent a full day telling me and my sisters about it and how cool that character in particular was. Later that night, I suited up for my very first super hero mission but somehow got framed and ended up answering to the Justice League. Batman must have recognized me from all those years ago when I first met Jack, and started pressuring me for what I called myself. 
He didn't accept "My identity is a secret."
nor did he accept "I haven't decided on a name yet."
or "Cinderella?"
Finally Flash suggested Blue Girl, but I wasn't big on those cheesy-classicy-obvious names so I said; "That's dumb.. My name is.... Lloyd." Ever since then, it just sorta stuck, and like my plain blue suit, I have felt no need to change it.

What's more, apparently to many pessimists-  Batman and Nick Fury included, "LLOYD" stands for::
"Long Living Optimistic Young Dork."

Which is very witty and true to my personality and power, so I'm adopting it as my super name's true meaning. How can I resist? After all, Bat-Buddy and Nicker-bopper are never wrong. >=D

Lloyd out!

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Hello my comfy chair! 
Hello my holographic computer ball! 
Hello all you wonderful reader people and unfortunate stumbled-into-it people!!  

Guess what- I'm guilty! Yup, the judge said so.. Sad for him, being guilty of showing super hero mercy and helping your villain for the betterment of all is not a crime punishable by 26 years in jail. It IS, in his mind however, a crime punishable..

Therefore, I'm on parole for 6 months under the close watch of police men and SHIELD agents alike... I won't lie to you.. It's been tough. I once plotted to spend a prolonged vacation on a distant planet until my 6 months of playing "Goldfish" were up, but I figured I'd miss my life-saving job too much. So, here I am to stay.

Now, here's my problem. Agents from a very nosy company and police officers are watching me 24/7, but I don't stay super'd that long... I figured that If I'm constantly being watched, then I can't take off my suit without blowing my secret identity, and thus Genovia and I have been working on a system that helps me get back to my ordinary life without blowing that said identity. It's really tough, and considering Nick Fury reads my blog, I cannot disclose exactly how it's done, but it's totally worth it.
The alternative being I create a toxic pool with bleach, laundry detergent, fabric softener, soap, and strawberry shampoo to jump into every time I need to wash my hair or my suit... And you understand why I can't do that::

*hint hint*

But anywhoo, other then that, the court was very touching. I had a lot of old friends, acquaintances, and people I didn't even think liked me at all show up to plead my case and prove my character before the judge. Even Batman! @_@ I thought for sure he was gonna push to have me locked up forever...
It's nice to know I have so many buddies around. It makes me feel pink and bubbly inside! =D

Catnip and Bluebird sent me a post card with no return address... I have no idea how. They told me they were happy and doing very well. Oh, and they also said that by the time I received the card they would've switched locations so SHIELD can't track them. Such a clever pair.. You know, now that things are basically straightened out, I'm finally starting to miss them. They were good kids you know, and a lot of fun to be around. Maybe someday I'll meet them again? I hope so.

Lloyd out!... Literally!