About Me

I'm the second born in a family of superheros, but the very last out of all 12 to have acquired any powers: As of 2005, I discovered I have the ability to heal instantly, as well as heal others via a kiss or tears. More recently, I've also discovered I have unpredictable adrenaline-based teleportation.
I am the semi-leader of a semi-group of alien friends called The Mythical Gang. The only humans in my E.T club are myself, my ex-arch enemy Lavender, and Pegasus. We've raised 7 genetically-enhanced child experiments, and are still making new friends with new super-kids. Together we get into all kinds of trouble; meeting big-name super heros and villains along the way!

And with that recipe for disaster, you know this blog is gonna be fun!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012



Before we get to the celebration of the holidays, I'd like to update you on the Headmaster draa that has recently been unfolding in my life: 'Tis the season for things that scare you, so I'm not at all surprised to learn that The Headmaster and his gang of freak-show evil scientists are hunting us.. He wants the kids back... Badly.
I honestly don't understand. Didn't they read my news paper add about a future villain? Allow me to refer them back to it: CLICKY! It distinctly says "NO EVIL SCIENTISTS". Therefore, they're out of a job, they need to go away.

Anywhoo, Fairy took Marietta shopping for some good fabric to make costumes out of yesterday, and that was kinda how we figured out about the Headmaster's lackeys... Fortunately, a sneak attack ambush in the middle of a shopping mall is nothing the dynamic glowing duo couldn't handle. They made it home safely-  And naturally, Fairy didn't even looks ruffled.

The kids were overjoyed when they got to design both costumes and super suits this Halloween. It's amazing what they've all come up with. Sheran offered to help Fairy sew them together, while Marietta is working with Phoenix to create gadgets for their suits that our suits already have. You know, I was worried about giving Marietta instead of Sheran to Fairy at first, but it actually seems to have done some good. It seems as though Fairy, Marrietta, Pheonix, and Sheran are kinda becoming a foursome.

When they first came here, Sheran and Marrietta were constantly at each others throats, but now, because Sheran likes fashion and Marrietta likes technology, the two are not beyond trading out teachers for a while. At the same time, Pheonix and Fairy seem to be connecting just as much with each other as with their students! I'm so proud.

Hold on, Genovia wants to talk to me- Telepathically, of course.. She does that a lot..........................

WHAT?! I'm supposed to give these kids candy?... Are you stinking kidding me?! I wouldn't mind spoiling them a little bit, but can't it be with something that isn't going to add to their energy and keep them going for an inhumanly long time at full power?
Alright, alright.. I gotta handle this.. Catch you guys later.

Lloyd Out!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

10.11.12 / Intro MGAP

When in doubt, divide and conquer. My "jedi" like apprentice idea is working! The kids have finally stopped feeding off one another's destructive energy and have instead become more settled and willing to learn. Thus, I have time to sit down and get some writing done.

Erik, Headmaster's Exp #1: Age 15.
Erik is a Psychic. At present, the most he can do is read current thoughts and share mental images, but like all mutants with this power, his mind has the ability to increase in strength over time. 
Because he's rather mischievous and curious enough to be considered nosy, the rest of the gang are not looking forward to the day when he can access any thought he wants, project illusions, and control minds at will... But I suppose he has to learn anyway. 
The thing I'm not looking forward to is that break-down all Psychic's have just before entering adulthood, when their powers increase too rapidly for them to control. Genovia is mentally prepping to help him when that happens, and we have Professor Xavier's number on speed dial.
Erik is a good kid, but he's got typical boy syndrome where he's purposely naughty in order to get a rise out of someone, and doesn't feel content with himself until he causes one of his little sisters to squeal. For this reason, I've apprenticed him to Lavender, as she can best match his wits and combat his evil urges.

Tekan, Headmaster's Exp #2: Age 15.
Tekan has many evasive powers, like; X-ray vision, teleportation, and shape-shifting into inanimate objects. 
He's amazingly levelheaded and mature for a 15 year old, even more strongly built and has a deeper voice then Erik and Miko, who are his exact same age. He's impeccably calm under pressure and has a natural talent for giving counsel and advice. He's a fast acting elder brotherly type; often caring for the younger kids and reprimanding Erik before we can. This is not to say that he's stiff or humorless, because the exact opposite is true, he loves to laugh and is very playful. 
Due to the close friendship they formed in The Old House, I've apprenticed him to Genovia.

Miko, Headmaster's Exp #3: Age 15.
Miko is so much like a dragon in both power and personality, that I'm kind of afraid to wonder where they got the DNA for him. His powers are flight, igniting himself on fire, and lightning fast reflexes. 

Miko is stubborn, sarcastic, kinda aggressive, has a short explosive temper and a fancy for shiny objects. He's also got something of a surfer in him as he loves adrenaline rushes, and uses names like: "Dude", "Dudette" and "Bro", more then he uses our real names. He's also fluent with the use of terms like "Groovy", and "Trippin'" each in different context. 
Naturally, he's apprenticed to Dragon, and the two are getting along like peas in a pod.

 Sheran, Headmaster's Exp #4: Age 14. 
Sheran has enhanced senses, superhuman flexibility and agility, and shadow manipulation.
Admittedly, her capabilities are a struggle for us to instruct because we've never encountered powers like hers before. Thankfully, she's always good sport even when we under/overestimate her.

 Sheran could easily be compared in personality to a girl from Paris: She's patient, soft-spoken, sweet, artistic, and affectionate. She's always the first to comment on how cute a boy is or fawn over the latest actor, and she's got such amazing fashion sense- She makes the newest trends!
I would've paired her with Fairy, who is also a bubbly fashionista, but I figured their powers would clash too much and that it would do more harm then good. Instead, she's Pheonix's apprentice, but I'm not opposed to her glamorizing a wardrobe with Fairy whenever she feels like it.

 Jewel, Headmaster's Exp #5: Age 13. 
Naturally, Jewel has the ability to fly, but she also has super wing speed and the ability to cover her entire body in different kinds of armor depending on the element she's in.

As far as I've been able to observe, Jewel is energetic, enthusiastic, and imaginative. Sadly, she's also very timid and painfully shy, so I don't know a whole lot about her personal preferences just yet. She seems to admire Pegasus, but gets very jittery when she has to speak or is being directly spoken to. This is not to say she's a nervous wreck all the time; She's actually very peaceful and calm, but always quiet. She's very uncomfortable around many of the gang members thus far, including myself. Save for her siblings and Gryffin alone no one can really get her to open up. As you may have guessed, she's Gryff's apprentice.

Marietta, Headmaster's Exp #6: Age 11. 
Marietta has a lot of robotic and fish-like abilities: Telepathic communication, glowing in the dark, voice mimicking, psychic control over machines, camouflage, water breathing, and control over water. Her favorite is the last because it allows her to treat any form of liquid like a solid. She also has scaly legs that transform into a mermaid-like fin whenever in contact with water. Also, due to several mechanical computer-like implants in her brain, she has enhanced genius.....
((Due to that same fact, I have enhanced rage at the Headmaster.))

Marietta has a tiny little face and child-like charm that commands love and attention. Just by looking at her, one automatically assumes that she is the sweetest, most adorable thing on the face of the planet. Indeed, she's cute, but she's not as innocent as she seems: Marietta is actually a little dynamo! She's very high strung, opinionated, daring, and fiery. She seems to believe that smart people can only hang out with other smart people- Which means, in her mind, she's the only one who should be allowed to talk to Pheonix. It's hard to win an argument with her because she's also very logical, so if you must engage, pretend your talking to an irrational young Spock. Thankfully, disagreements about her little prejudices are minor ones that don't last long, and she's slowly but surely learning better. Marietta isn't always moody of course: More often then not, she's very loving and lively.

Much to her dismay, I apprenticed her to Fairy instead of Pheonix. I did so for three reasons: 
1. I didn't want Mari getting possessive over Pheonix.
2. Fairy also glows in the dark and can teach her a thing or two about that ability.
3. Her favoritism of her water abilities would clash with Pheonix's fire abilities.

Vanna, Headmaster's Exp #7: Age 10. 
Vanna has enhanced vision and hearing, invisibility, phasing, wingless flight, super strength, and invincibility.

Vanna is the sweetest, most compassionate, and innocent member of the entire gang. She's always cheerful and speaks softly. Sometimes she's a little bashful, but she's very simple and meek. She doesn't comprehend why anyone would want to be mean to anyone else, she's quick to give a compliment, and openly loves absolutely everyone; I'd go so far as to call her angelic really. It's not hard to see why she would be the Headmaster's favorite. From what I understand, she spent more time with him then any of the others, he was always very gentle with her, but even went so far as to put a tracking device in her so that he'd always know where she was!

Vanna is apprenticed to Crow. Simply because they're both so soft-spoken.


Well, those are the kids! Sorry it took so stinking long to introduce them. Precious as they are, it's almost impossible to get them to sit still. Every single one of them is energetic and adventurous. They want to explore everything and they want to do it as quickly as possible. We're all very happy to have them! Welcome aboard kids!

Thankfully, I've reserved a post for this landmark date. We won't have another number like this until 11.12.13.

Lloyd out!