About Me

I'm the second born in a family of superheros, but the very last out of all 12 to have acquired any powers: As of 2005, I discovered I have the ability to heal instantly, as well as heal others via a kiss or tears. More recently, I've also discovered I have unpredictable adrenaline-based teleportation.
I am the semi-leader of a semi-group of alien friends called The Mythical Gang. The only humans in my E.T club are myself, my ex-arch enemy Lavender, and Pegasus. We've raised 7 genetically-enhanced child experiments, and are still making new friends with new super-kids. Together we get into all kinds of trouble; meeting big-name super heros and villains along the way!

And with that recipe for disaster, you know this blog is gonna be fun!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Is This Blog Dead?

Fear not, my friends! This blog is not dead!
.... I just haven't posted in a year and a half because I lost my ball-- The little digital ball that allows me to access my blog via a holographic screen? The one in the picture under the blog-post-list-thingy. Yeah, I lost that ball, and I couldn't access my blog without it.

Well, think about it. I'm a super hero. It's a rough-and-tumble world out there, I've got to be careful not to give away my secret identity. This ball does a lot of- err, technical coding and mislinking and all that stuff, so I can access my blog whenever and wherever I feel like without having to worry about Batman snooping about, Mr. Big downloading my personal files, or Tony Stark hacking into my main frame.

So how'd I loose it?
No idea. I only know I found it under my bed during spring cleaning... Or, maybe I lost it under my bed during spring cleaning. Whatever the case, I have it back now, and I shall continue to post funny things and updates about my daily life as often as I can manage. Thanks for hanging in there!

Lloyd Out!

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