About Me

I'm the second born in a family of superheros, but the very last out of all 12 to have acquired any powers: As of 2005, I discovered I have the ability to heal instantly, as well as heal others via a kiss or tears. More recently, I've also discovered I have unpredictable adrenaline-based teleportation.
I am the semi-leader of a semi-group of alien friends called The Mythical Gang. The only humans in my E.T club are myself, my ex-arch enemy Lavender, and Pegasus. We've raised 7 genetically-enhanced child experiments, and are still making new friends with new super-kids. Together we get into all kinds of trouble; meeting big-name super heros and villains along the way!

And with that recipe for disaster, you know this blog is gonna be fun!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Happy Easter Weekend!


Never let it be said that super heroes don't enjoy holidays- Because we do!
Today, I wanted to see just how many jellybeans The Hulk could hold in his mouth at one time-- It was a lot, trust me. I made the jellybean people very happy, and Tony Stark too, who decided to invest stock in jellybeans after he heard what I was planning to do... Cheater!

Of course we let Hulk swallow the jellybeans after the experiment. I mean, what's the fun in spitting them out? And during the sugar rush, Hulk wanted to see just how far I could go if he threw me, so I got a taste of flying and a wind burn! It was so much fun! =D

Here's to hoping the rest of you also have a fun Easter weekend!
Hang out with friends and family, dye eggs and fingertips, find said eggs the following morning or the following month (depending on how good you hide them), and be happy!

Lloyd Out!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Super Heroes in Space!!!

Ah, outer-space: The endless cosmos of stars, planets, and super-mega-power-hungry villain freaks.
You know, people think it's so cool when super heroes go to fight crime in space. I mean, what's cooler then fighting an alien invasion, right? Or rescue an alien civilization? It's because out there the possibilities are endless. They've got as much advanced technology and superior snobbery than we on earth can ever hope to achieve!
It's the clash of cultures that people long for; two world collide and unlikely friendships are formed! The technology, the special abilities, the weirdest looking races imaginable; It's classic Star Wars and Star Trek stuff, and you know, those movies are famous for a reason.

The fact is, people just love outer-space. They love the idea of it and what might be found out there. You can literally explore for an eternity! It's awe-inspiring! Young heroes dream of going there one day... That's great, kids! "Aim High" I always say, I'd just like to point out that (for the record) outer-space is also a very dangerous and inconvenient battlefield. Seriously, I'd like you to name one thing that didn't happen to the crew of the Enterprise. Bet ch'ya can't. And "death" doesn't count because the guys in red die all the time and even Spock died once!

Now, I'm no skeptic. I love outer-space just as much as anyone, if not more-- I mean I have a book of planets, my own telescope, an inter-galactic space-traveling twin sister; not to mention 4 out of the original 8 Mythical Gang members are aliens. ((You know, before the genetically-altered children joined the group, which scientifically-enhanced humans are also pretty cool to people, but we'll talk about that later..))

It's just that despite the awesomeness of space, super heroes don't always enjoy the seriously away-from-home task of joining galactic wars and correcting seriously-bizarre-and-ridiculously-mega-foreign policy as much as you'd think. I mean, it's always cool to meet a new alien race, roam their world, and help out; we're always happy to help out- But when a super hero is called into space for any reason, one must consider the gravity of the situation.. Or rather the lack there of.

Space is... Spacious.

It wouldn't take much to get separated from your group and be lost for all eternity in the galaxy. Especially with the recent addiction some heroes have to Black-Hole diving. Black holes are not safe. I know it's human nature to be curious. And yes, it is possible that Black-Holes can be short cuts across the cosmos, I mean, stranger things have happened-- ((There are people in this world who can shoot webs from their wrists and shoot lasers from their eyes, okay? I myself heal the instant the damage is done; you could behead me and it wouldn't make a difference.))/ But it's just as likely, if not more so, that a Black Hole is a space tornado that'll suck the living daylights out of you.

And their are other things too: The lack of air, asteroids- And bare in mind that you advanced alien opponent has had light years longer and better technology to figure out how the universe works. You're at a disadvantage. Really, Earth is as good a place as any to have an adventure. Sometimes when you go too big, you loose the wonder-factor and gain mind-boggling-irritation factor instead.. The same is true of alternate dimensions and the nine realms of Asgard. Fair warning.

Now, I'm not saying this to discourage anyone, I'd just like you to be prepared for what awaits you so you're not violently disillusioned when your twin sister drags you and a few of your gang members up to the mother-ship to meet the man-eating flower-headed head honcho and track down an intergalactic criminal who stole an important magical scroll and can temporarily absorb people at the molecular level so he has full access to their powers, memories, and life-force all against their will and before he can deliver this powerful scroll to the most creepy taffy-pulled zombie alien in the known universe he merges the scroll into one of your younger sister's freind's molecules thus endangering said friend's very existence if ever evil zombie guy should find out.. *DEEP BREATH*

...What I mean to say is, I'm in the middle of the most irritating space-adventure I've ever been on in my entire life! I'd love to give you more details about it later, but for right now the slime-ridden captain is on deck.

Lloyd Out!
P.S Sorry about the killer run-on sentence, Mom. I am ashamed.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Gibberish - Another Language!

Gibberish is a language you know, and I sort-of understand it because I speak it fluently. Sometimes it amazes my co-workers just how well I can speak and understand gibberish; like one time back on the Helicarrier, during Loki's Fish-Bowl Days-- Or maybe a few seconds after, Captain America and Iron Man were having an exchange over the comlink that went something like this::

Tony Stark: *scientific flim-flam* 
  1. Steve Rogers/Captain America: Hey, speak English.

But I knew what Tony meant, so I decided to break it down:

  1. Lloyd: What he means is: If you pull the thingy-majig then it will start a whatch'yama-callit and cause the wirly-twergle to bloopin-flop. 

There was silence... Then came Tony's voice:

  1. Tony Stark: You see the red lever? When I tell you to, pull it. That will give me enough time to get out.

Clearly he was impressed with my abilities, but never quite got the chance to tell so as I was shot by Hawkeye some 20 seconds later. It's so nice to be admired by your peers, isn't it? =)

Lloyd Out!