About Me

I'm the second born in a family of superheros, but the very last out of all 12 to have acquired any powers: As of 2005, I discovered I have the ability to heal instantly, as well as heal others via a kiss or tears. More recently, I've also discovered I have unpredictable adrenaline-based teleportation.
I am the semi-leader of a semi-group of alien friends called The Mythical Gang. The only humans in my E.T club are myself, my ex-arch enemy Lavender, and Pegasus. We've raised 7 genetically-enhanced child experiments, and are still making new friends with new super-kids. Together we get into all kinds of trouble; meeting big-name super heros and villains along the way!

And with that recipe for disaster, you know this blog is gonna be fun!

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Super Weird Friends: Robin... Uhhh..

So, I was thinking about my last post. It was a tease. I bring up "super friends" like I'm going to say something important, then I don't say anything at all. I thought I should come back introduce you to at least one of those friends... Maybe more if I feel like it later.

Since I know there are a fair bit of unfriendly people who read my blog, I'm not going to introduce you to anyone from the future per say-- Because this world we live in is full of a bunch of super-powered idiots who will turn on each other in a heartbeat just because some weirdo professes to have a vision of the future in which one of those friends go bad DESPITE the fact that nothing of the sort has happened yet!

*grump grump*

ANYWAY! This kid is relatively safe I think because she comes from both the future AND an alternate dimension.. In fact, she's from the future of an alternate dimension. 8D
...Plus she's a foundling, so we don't know who her parents are. No danger there!

Anywhoo, Everyone meet Robin!

Cute, isn't she? 
She's got indecisive flare to be sure. 

She's called Robin because, you know, she's the current Robin of her world. What's her real name? I have no idea.. Neither does she. In fact, she changes her name everyday. In that way you could say "Robin" IS her real name, and everything else like "Naomi Gloom", "Rebecca Lyn", or "Sarah Glint" are aliases.

Unlike the previous *cough*or current*cough* Robins of our world, this Robin actually has a super power: Have you ever seen Monsters Inc? Robin is very much like Boo. Her laughter has a revitalizing effect on the energy crystals they use to power everything there. When the crystals run out of power, her laughter can bring that power back tenfold. Good for them... But while we were hanging out, I also discovered her laughter has the same effect of technology and stuff from my dimension. She can recharge batteries by chuckling!

Robin is a lot of fun to be around. Though she has a magic laugh, she likes making others laugh even more. She's perky, energetic, and I don't think I have ever seen her in a bad mood...

So how did I meet her?

The chip thingy with this friendly Hug-Me symbol on the back of my neck..
Turns out it's a dimension jumper... Or something. I don't know what it does exactly or how, or why, but I know it is solely responsible for my newfound ability to jump into different dimensions. It beeps insistently whenever I'm close to an invisible rift that will allow me to jump. Then, all I have to do, is---
---But I discovered that completely by accident.
The reason it was beeping when I was in bed that one time was because the invisible rifts do not stand still. They move, circulate, orbit, disappear, and change.. So, as you can imagine, finding the same door twice is highly unlikely. But the good news is that once I'm in a different dimension, the invisible rift that takes me back home stands perfectly still and is the only invisible rift there is. Also, once I go through a rift, it also stands still until I come back out of it again... Fun right?

I dunno who made this thing or how they lost it in a rich-and-fancy-high-tech-museum, but this little thing is what I have to thank for all the new adventures and friends. And no, Nick, YOU CAN NEVER HAVE IT BACK!!!!!!!

I like it! It's fun! I'm really getting the hang of it! 

...Perhaps I should divvy this post up and introduce Robin and our adventure in another post... Hmm, sounds good to me. Stay tuned! 

Lloyd Out!