About Me

I'm the second born in a family of superheros, but the very last out of all 12 to have acquired any powers: As of 2005, I discovered I have the ability to heal instantly, as well as heal others via a kiss or tears. More recently, I've also discovered I have unpredictable adrenaline-based teleportation.
I am the semi-leader of a semi-group of alien friends called The Mythical Gang. The only humans in my E.T club are myself, my ex-arch enemy Lavender, and Pegasus. We've raised 7 genetically-enhanced child experiments, and are still making new friends with new super-kids. Together we get into all kinds of trouble; meeting big-name super heros and villains along the way!

And with that recipe for disaster, you know this blog is gonna be fun!

Monday, October 26, 2015


So, I'm sick this week--
But that's okay. Know why? Because when I am sick I don't have to worry about fighting crime. In fact, I get to stay home with my superhero family; and because we love one another so much, we share everything! Even our germs!

So me and my fantastic family are all sick this week, wheezing and coughing like millions of those old cartoon characters who have their eyeballs pop out of their heads every time they cough!

More good news! My twin sister is back from the galaxy far, far, even further than the one you are now thinking of, away! I'm ecstatic! Of course, having been in space so long, she's a little unused to me, but she still loves me. I can tell from all the fawning and hugging she's constantly giving me!
I've really missed that.

I mean, I'm sure you have all noticed how incredibly negative my last few posts have been. I guess it was because I surrounded myself with a bunch of big names who don't like me very much. Now I'm back with people who love me and whom I love! I couldn't be happier!

I'm so happy to have my twin back! My family is truly the greatest!

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