About Me

I'm the second born in a family of superheros, but the very last out of all 12 to have acquired any powers: As of 2005, I discovered I have the ability to heal instantly, as well as heal others via a kiss or tears. More recently, I've also discovered I have unpredictable adrenaline-based teleportation.
I am the semi-leader of a semi-group of alien friends called The Mythical Gang. The only humans in my E.T club are myself, my ex-arch enemy Lavender, and Pegasus. We've raised 7 genetically-enhanced child experiments, and are still making new friends with new super-kids. Together we get into all kinds of trouble; meeting big-name super heros and villains along the way!

And with that recipe for disaster, you know this blog is gonna be fun!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Life Goes On

Hey everybody-- Assuming anybody still reads this.. I know it's been a long time, but I'm pleased to announce that in such time as was spent not blogging, I have been maturing mentally. I'm not going to whine about anything or rant about the character flaws of my fellows anymore. Goodness knows that was hypocritical of me to start doing in the first place, given how flawed I am..

Anyway, by way of announcement, I'd like you all to know the Mythical Gang is not disbanded, nor have they abandoned me. They are simply doing something we don't often hear of superheroes doing: Living life.

Yes. Inbetween the crime fighting and justice bringing, my friends have diem to carpe! And they've been very successful about it, in spite of my childish belly acheing. I see them all the time, they are in and out constantly, and those not currently on Earth send me messages frequently.

So, update on life, you already know about Phoenix's superhero training academy, of which the MGAP kids (not kids anymore) were the first members. Well, it's a big hit! She's getting new students and the MGAP are getting ready to graduate! Those kids (not kids) have really come a far way. I'm proud of them. They've overcome so many obstacles, become a real super team and surprised a lot of people.

I don't think I ever posted their super names, did I? I'll do that now:
Erik is Phantom -- (He insisted).
Takan is Elf -- (Also at Erik's instance).
Miko is Wavyrn.
Jewel is Sylph.
Sharan is Leprechaun -- (Honestly, I'm not sure how that one ended up sticking)
Marietta, whose real name turned out to be Aquamarine, is Mermaid.
& Vanna is Will-O-Wisp.

Yeah, I know it looks like I blew their secret identities with that announcement, but those are the names you know them by on this blog and what we at the Mythical Gang call them. Those are actually not their names anymore after their various adoptions-- Aquamarine excluded, but good luck finding Atlantis ya goof!

Anyway, Dragon is married now to a very handsome and decent fellow from her homeworld, and they are expecting a baby! Griffin, the proud future-uncle, has decided to return home for a while so he can be one of the first to hold the baby when s/he is born.. The whole gang is waiting on bated breath for that announcement. I guarantee every single one of us will be on the next interstellar spaceship when we hear it. This will be the very first baby born to any member of our gang! <3

Our resident marsian-of-medicine, Genovia, is off on a good will mission of sorts with a few others. You see, a little while ago, we were introduced to this epic lady known as Captain Marvel... She is just.. No words. So fun! I like her a lot!
Anyway, she's been out in the galaxy for awhile with a group of aliens called Skrull, trying to help them find a new homeworld after their last was destroyed by the Kree.
..Yes, the Kree, that thing Nick Fury claimed I was when he stole blood from my dead body in order to save Phil Coulson-- Which, I'm not upset about, I'm just miffed he won't admit it. I'm also slightly-moderately-extremely offended he compared me to a Kree now that I know what they are ---But I digress.
Anyway, Captain Marvel returned to Earth for a brief time at Nick's request because they have apparently been besties for a long time... And Nick was apparently more fun once upon a time. So anyway, the Skrull found a place, but they are having a bit of a time settling in and Genovia volunteered to go back with Captain Marvel to help out. You see, the survivors who made it to this new planet were mostly civilians and their children, so there are only a limited number of skills that have been passed down. Gen is helping teach various medicine stuff. I also hear she is having a great time hanging out with these green shape-shifting alien refugees.. Something about fitting in.

Well I should say so, judging by what I've been told regarding how impressed folks are with her shapeshifting, as well as the interactions of a certain young Skrull man named Kiir. I don't even think she realizes just how nicely she's fitting in. X3. ..Fairy is with her, by the way. So I'm getting wonderfully unbiased details on this Kiir's attentions toward our marsian doctor.
It's nice that someone is finally interested in Genovia, she deserves it. She is so down-to-planet and a really great friend. Given that she's related to the only two surviving male marsians, she'd given up on a repopulation of Mars long ago, but it sounds like the Skrull are actually a very similar and compatible race.. So who knows?

Let's see, what else?
Well, Pegasus and Lavender are around a lot of course. I'm not entirely sure what they are up to actually... ...Actually that's not true. I do know what they are up to. Lavender is trying to get hired by S.H.I.E.L.D, and I think Pegasus might be too.

For the record, I still have Hydra's dimension jumping chip in my neck, but I managed to get rid of that stupid symbol I think.. It was on the back of my neck, so I can't be one hundred percent sure, but at the very least it's not as noticeable anymore. Doctor Strange helped me with it and his exact words were: "That's as good as it's going to get.".

Batman contacted me about his research on the thingy too. He told me that my instant healing abilities not only enveloped the device completely, but for some reason adapted it as part of my nervous system. That's why I have full and easy access to the thingy's powers, because it's become a part of me. With current technology, it is not actually removable at this time..

This may lead your minds to a disturbing fact which I will now confirm: Yes. Sometimes if I'm hit with something that punctures my skin, I will heal over it. I've had this happen quite a few times, though typically it's something with a handle or a shaft that can be pulled out. The Joker kindly gifted me a tiny piece of metal years ago, which was how my powers got activated to begin with, and that completely vanished inside me. Nevertheless my sister Galaxia was able to use a microscopic black hole to teleport the thing out of me, but it's a very tricky trick that only she can do... So yeah.

That being said, though I've healed over and around a lot of objects through the years, I have never adapted any of them like I have with Hydra's device. It's really strange.

ANYWAY I think that's all for now.

Lloyd out!

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