About Me

I'm the second born in a family of superheros, but the very last out of all 12 to have acquired any powers: As of 2005, I discovered I have the ability to heal instantly, as well as heal others via a kiss or tears. More recently, I've also discovered I have unpredictable adrenaline-based teleportation.
I am the semi-leader of a semi-group of alien friends called The Mythical Gang. The only humans in my E.T club are myself, my ex-arch enemy Lavender, and Pegasus. We've raised 7 genetically-enhanced child experiments, and are still making new friends with new super-kids. Together we get into all kinds of trouble; meeting big-name super heros and villains along the way!

And with that recipe for disaster, you know this blog is gonna be fun!

Sunday, July 26, 2020

A Super Love Story BABY!

This is a picture of Dragon and her husband on their wedding day. Several months ago, they had their first baby. IT'S A BOY!! And he's purple, much to Lavender's delight. I don't have a picture of him yet, but guess what: Dragon let me babysit him the other day! It was so nice having a baby around Myth Mansion again.

Sometimes it's hard to believe that he's really the baby son of my best friend. She's grown up so much and come so far since the day she and Griffin crashed in my back yard. I'm so happy she found love and now has a family, and I'm proud to welcome her son as the very first Myth-Baby! (ie. the first baby born to a member of the Mythical Gang) =D

Lloyd out!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Life Goes On

Hey everybody-- Assuming anybody still reads this.. I know it's been a long time, but I'm pleased to announce that in such time as was spent not blogging, I have been maturing mentally. I'm not going to whine about anything or rant about the character flaws of my fellows anymore. Goodness knows that was hypocritical of me to start doing in the first place, given how flawed I am..

Anyway, by way of announcement, I'd like you all to know the Mythical Gang is not disbanded, nor have they abandoned me. They are simply doing something we don't often hear of superheroes doing: Living life.

Yes. Inbetween the crime fighting and justice bringing, my friends have diem to carpe! And they've been very successful about it, in spite of my childish belly acheing. I see them all the time, they are in and out constantly, and those not currently on Earth send me messages frequently.

So, update on life, you already know about Phoenix's superhero training academy, of which the MGAP kids (not kids anymore) were the first members. Well, it's a big hit! She's getting new students and the MGAP are getting ready to graduate! Those kids (not kids) have really come a far way. I'm proud of them. They've overcome so many obstacles, become a real super team and surprised a lot of people.

I don't think I ever posted their super names, did I? I'll do that now:
Erik is Phantom -- (He insisted).
Takan is Elf -- (Also at Erik's instance).
Miko is Wavyrn.
Jewel is Sylph.
Sharan is Leprechaun -- (Honestly, I'm not sure how that one ended up sticking)
Marietta, whose real name turned out to be Aquamarine, is Mermaid.
& Vanna is Will-O-Wisp.

Yeah, I know it looks like I blew their secret identities with that announcement, but those are the names you know them by on this blog and what we at the Mythical Gang call them. Those are actually not their names anymore after their various adoptions-- Aquamarine excluded, but good luck finding Atlantis ya goof!

Anyway, Dragon is married now to a very handsome and decent fellow from her homeworld, and they are expecting a baby! Griffin, the proud future-uncle, has decided to return home for a while so he can be one of the first to hold the baby when s/he is born.. The whole gang is waiting on bated breath for that announcement. I guarantee every single one of us will be on the next interstellar spaceship when we hear it. This will be the very first baby born to any member of our gang! <3

Our resident marsian-of-medicine, Genovia, is off on a good will mission of sorts with a few others. You see, a little while ago, we were introduced to this epic lady known as Captain Marvel... She is just.. No words. So fun! I like her a lot!
Anyway, she's been out in the galaxy for awhile with a group of aliens called Skrull, trying to help them find a new homeworld after their last was destroyed by the Kree.
..Yes, the Kree, that thing Nick Fury claimed I was when he stole blood from my dead body in order to save Phil Coulson-- Which, I'm not upset about, I'm just miffed he won't admit it. I'm also slightly-moderately-extremely offended he compared me to a Kree now that I know what they are ---But I digress.
Anyway, Captain Marvel returned to Earth for a brief time at Nick's request because they have apparently been besties for a long time... And Nick was apparently more fun once upon a time. So anyway, the Skrull found a place, but they are having a bit of a time settling in and Genovia volunteered to go back with Captain Marvel to help out. You see, the survivors who made it to this new planet were mostly civilians and their children, so there are only a limited number of skills that have been passed down. Gen is helping teach various medicine stuff. I also hear she is having a great time hanging out with these green shape-shifting alien refugees.. Something about fitting in.

Well I should say so, judging by what I've been told regarding how impressed folks are with her shapeshifting, as well as the interactions of a certain young Skrull man named Kiir. I don't even think she realizes just how nicely she's fitting in. X3. ..Fairy is with her, by the way. So I'm getting wonderfully unbiased details on this Kiir's attentions toward our marsian doctor.
It's nice that someone is finally interested in Genovia, she deserves it. She is so down-to-planet and a really great friend. Given that she's related to the only two surviving male marsians, she'd given up on a repopulation of Mars long ago, but it sounds like the Skrull are actually a very similar and compatible race.. So who knows?

Let's see, what else?
Well, Pegasus and Lavender are around a lot of course. I'm not entirely sure what they are up to actually... ...Actually that's not true. I do know what they are up to. Lavender is trying to get hired by S.H.I.E.L.D, and I think Pegasus might be too.

For the record, I still have Hydra's dimension jumping chip in my neck, but I managed to get rid of that stupid symbol I think.. It was on the back of my neck, so I can't be one hundred percent sure, but at the very least it's not as noticeable anymore. Doctor Strange helped me with it and his exact words were: "That's as good as it's going to get.".

Batman contacted me about his research on the thingy too. He told me that my instant healing abilities not only enveloped the device completely, but for some reason adapted it as part of my nervous system. That's why I have full and easy access to the thingy's powers, because it's become a part of me. With current technology, it is not actually removable at this time..

This may lead your minds to a disturbing fact which I will now confirm: Yes. Sometimes if I'm hit with something that punctures my skin, I will heal over it. I've had this happen quite a few times, though typically it's something with a handle or a shaft that can be pulled out. The Joker kindly gifted me a tiny piece of metal years ago, which was how my powers got activated to begin with, and that completely vanished inside me. Nevertheless my sister Galaxia was able to use a microscopic black hole to teleport the thing out of me, but it's a very tricky trick that only she can do... So yeah.

That being said, though I've healed over and around a lot of objects through the years, I have never adapted any of them like I have with Hydra's device. It's really strange.

ANYWAY I think that's all for now.

Lloyd out!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Personal Powers & The Specifics.

Names are powerful, and powers apparently have names. 
For example, I just discovered that my abilities are called: 
Instant Healing

Apparently no one else seems to have adrenaline-based teleportation, so it's no even recognized on the Teleportation page. Also, my healing works a little differently than what these specific names imply. My tears, for instance, seem to work even when I just cry into a bottle and flush a wound with them later. My tears heal external wounds, my kisses heal internal wounds. Some might argue my "Instant Healing" is actually the Regenerative Healing Factor, but I'm not so sure-- Judging by these notes, I must be between Expert Level and Master Level if that is the case. I can't exactly pick up my head, stick it back on my shoulders, and expect it to fix itself if ever I get decapitated; but my body fixes the damage just as quickly as it's done so even if someone was to sever my neck, the weapon would just pass through and I'd still be be standing there.. Then I'd faint for two hours so my brain can process and overcome the pain-induced shock. 

...I don't think my limbs grow back if they get pulled off, but like I said, I heal so fast they can never actually get pulled off.. 

I dunno, maybe I've got Enhanced Recovery, but lightning quick attacks don't effect me-- Well, that's not true actually. They DO effect me. They hurt a lot, but I heal just as quickly as the damage is done. Even The Flash couldn't beat my molecules in a test of speed!  

Also, I'm not immune to disease. I can still catch the flu, the common cold, strep throat-- In fact, heh heh.. Funny story.

Lloyd Out!

Monday, September 3, 2018

In Neverland with Spider-man...

What do you think of when you hear the name "Spider-Man"? 
 Personally, I think of spiders and men, two things I'm not fond of...
(P.S NEVER been fond of spiders, but the men thing is a bitterness phase that comes and goes with being single about midway to your 30's.)

Anyway, I finally braved my fear of both and met this Spider-Man I've heard so much about.........

.............What can I say? He's adorable! He's a blooming 15 year old which, you know, I did not expect-- I was ten years old when he was born! But I love him. He's so stinking adorable and fun in every sense of the word. Meeting him made me feel very, VERY old because it reminded me about all the up-and-coming super heroes and villains popping out of the wood work; all of which are younger than the contents of my pantry. 

I think I need to go shopping...

Lloyd Out!

Monday, April 30, 2018

Can You Believe Some Alternate Dimensions?

This is my dimension, right? The one I originally came from?
I think it is, but I've been jumping around alternate dimensions for so long, I can't honestly tell anymore. I've got a super weird friends now, not just Robyn. I'm planning on making a series of posts to introduce them all to you-- Assuming I don't get swept back into another alternate dimension.

Some of those things are just plain sorry, you know? Like, really really really really REALLY--

And there's so many versions of how sorry, borderline crazy-sorry, they can be. Like the ones where you meet your exact-opposite self who is you, but a mass-murdering villain kind of you rather than a life-saving hero kind of you.

Yeah, that's the look you give them..

But then you jump back into the portal and you find the dimension where you died, and all the repercussions that come with that; like where your friends ended up, what never happened because you weren't there-- It's A Wonderful Life kind of stuff. Even those carefully advised individuals who were never given that careful advice to correct their lives and now they live in jail and its YOUR fault for being dead. 

I know. The guilt is killing me.

Or those dimensions like the one I just visited where everyone gets dead. Yeah. The Avengers, Geeks of the Galaxy, Doctor Who-Was-He-Again, Nick Furry-- All of them. Everyone gets dead. Killed by some purple faced alien guy with a bulky jaw who just wanted to, I dunno, kill everybody I guess-- Because that's what he did. Everyone was dead.. He killed them with his Magic Glove Of Shiny Death! It wasn't even fair! I've never fully understood the word "Power-playing" until I met that guy. He was like the BIGGERST power-player in the world. 

And he wasn't even nice about it, he was a jerk!

The dude even had The Hulk shivering, THE HULK!!! Who does that? He defeated the undefeatable, killed the unkillable, and nobody could do anything about it-- Because when they did, he just undid it with his stupid glove! That stupid two-eye'd-brain-dead-flying-purple-people-eater! I'm sure he had his reasons, but I don't even care what they were. I'm all like:

So yeah, everyone in that dimension is dead. You know, when I say "everyone" I don't mean EVERYONE. Of course not! I bet you knew I was exaggerating when I said it. So, not everyone.. Just, you know, the most annoying Avengers and me.. Because it was disintegration that killed everyone, and since I heal instantly, that's like....

And that's the look I give the vast nothingness all around me.
...Because everyone else is dead.

I don't even know how that all ended. I jumped back in the portal and went home to my own dimension where nobody is dead, not even Phil Coulson because of some quote-unquote "Blue Healing Alien", or Nick Fury who is a big faker! So nobody is dead in my dimension.. But everybody, EVERYBODY, is dead in another alternate dimension. 

Alternate dimensions are weird.

I have a load to tell Batman about this little chip in my neck now, if I ever decide to get back to him on it. He contacted me while I was gone demanding I get back to him on it, and I'm just like "I have a life outside of my crossovers with you, you know." ... I'd never actually say that to him though because he's never been to the freaky dimension where I'm just a regular girl and he's a fictional character in a comic book... Oi! That was an interesting experience.

Lloyd Out!

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Super Weird Friends: Robin... Uhhh..

So, I was thinking about my last post. It was a tease. I bring up "super friends" like I'm going to say something important, then I don't say anything at all. I thought I should come back introduce you to at least one of those friends... Maybe more if I feel like it later.

Since I know there are a fair bit of unfriendly people who read my blog, I'm not going to introduce you to anyone from the future per say-- Because this world we live in is full of a bunch of super-powered idiots who will turn on each other in a heartbeat just because some weirdo professes to have a vision of the future in which one of those friends go bad DESPITE the fact that nothing of the sort has happened yet!

*grump grump*

ANYWAY! This kid is relatively safe I think because she comes from both the future AND an alternate dimension.. In fact, she's from the future of an alternate dimension. 8D
...Plus she's a foundling, so we don't know who her parents are. No danger there!

Anywhoo, Everyone meet Robin!

Cute, isn't she? 
She's got indecisive flare to be sure. 

She's called Robin because, you know, she's the current Robin of her world. What's her real name? I have no idea.. Neither does she. In fact, she changes her name everyday. In that way you could say "Robin" IS her real name, and everything else like "Naomi Gloom", "Rebecca Lyn", or "Sarah Glint" are aliases.

Unlike the previous *cough*or current*cough* Robins of our world, this Robin actually has a super power: Have you ever seen Monsters Inc? Robin is very much like Boo. Her laughter has a revitalizing effect on the energy crystals they use to power everything there. When the crystals run out of power, her laughter can bring that power back tenfold. Good for them... But while we were hanging out, I also discovered her laughter has the same effect of technology and stuff from my dimension. She can recharge batteries by chuckling!

Robin is a lot of fun to be around. Though she has a magic laugh, she likes making others laugh even more. She's perky, energetic, and I don't think I have ever seen her in a bad mood...

So how did I meet her?

The chip thingy with this friendly Hug-Me symbol on the back of my neck..
Turns out it's a dimension jumper... Or something. I don't know what it does exactly or how, or why, but I know it is solely responsible for my newfound ability to jump into different dimensions. It beeps insistently whenever I'm close to an invisible rift that will allow me to jump. Then, all I have to do, is---
---But I discovered that completely by accident.
The reason it was beeping when I was in bed that one time was because the invisible rifts do not stand still. They move, circulate, orbit, disappear, and change.. So, as you can imagine, finding the same door twice is highly unlikely. But the good news is that once I'm in a different dimension, the invisible rift that takes me back home stands perfectly still and is the only invisible rift there is. Also, once I go through a rift, it also stands still until I come back out of it again... Fun right?

I dunno who made this thing or how they lost it in a rich-and-fancy-high-tech-museum, but this little thing is what I have to thank for all the new adventures and friends. And no, Nick, YOU CAN NEVER HAVE IT BACK!!!!!!!

I like it! It's fun! I'm really getting the hang of it! 

...Perhaps I should divvy this post up and introduce Robin and our adventure in another post... Hmm, sounds good to me. Stay tuned! 

Lloyd Out!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

~I Got Super Friends in Super Weird Places!~

I need to stop putting my holographic Blogger ball in places where I can't find it-- Especially considering I can only access this blog from it. It's got this really high-tech, in-depth cloaking, anti-hacking system thing that keeps mischievous people *coughvillians&nosyagencies-- ExtracoughNickFury--cough* out of my business... It's hard to explain.

Anyway, I've missed ya'll! I know it's been a while, so update on my life: I'm doing fine.
I'm currently just chilling at home in my pajamas, hugging my favorite rainbow teddy bear and watching TV.

Lavender has been straightening out her family life and hanging with Pegasus more now. It's fills me with so much happy to see how far the two of them have come; from bitter enemies to best friends. It's great!

Genovia is finally back from medical school as a full blown doctor! She's rooming with Fairy, who has her own apartment and a job as a fashion designer. Phoenix rooms with them too, but she works full time undercover, training kids with super powers. Griffin is in a new super team, and Dragon is still on her home planet living life--- She's been dating different guys, but last I heard, she met someone and they've been getting along really well, so there might be extraterrestrial wedding bells in the near future. =3

..No, I'm just kidding. More power to her.

You know, I should clarify that the Mythical Gang didn't abandon me as I made it appear in past posts. They've just gotten on with their lives, which apparently has taken a few of them in different directions. We still see each other from time to time, we hang out, and they're always on call when I need them... But, they've grown up.

It's kinda strange that my fellow superheroes have outgrown me. Not just the Mythical Gang and the MGAP kids *coughTeenagerscough*, but the X-Men, Justice League, and the Avengers too.

I used to hang out with them all the time and help them with their problems, but now I don't do it so much anymore--- This is not to say that I'm too consumed with my own problems, because I'm not-- And I don't mean I don't have any problems, because I do-- It's just that I'm not hanging with buddies like Batman and everybody as much as I used to. I honestly feel like I've just stopped growing up somehow.

...I'm hoping it's a state of mind and not my powers evolving to keep me this age forever.

So anyway, with my old friends and my older-than-me friends moving on, I've started making new friends with the younger generation. You know, the crazy kids who only just figured out they have powers and are making names for themselves by kicking badguys and talking too much? Yeah! I'm having a lot of fun with them. It reminds me of the good old days when I had the MGAP kids to look after, and the good older days when the Mythical Gang and I were constantly in the action, together side-by-side, doing awesome!

I've yet to join any actual group or make any bosom friends, but I'm still having fun with them-- And I'm expanding my pallet beyond the cosmos! See, I used to have a bunch of alien friends, now I'm making friends in different dimensions and even different times! Yeah, you read that right, I'm a time-traveler!

.... Okay, it was a once-in-a-lifetime accident, but I still have yet-to-be-born friends in the future and it's going to be awesome! But anywhoo, I have some new friends here in the present too and I like them! It's relatively easy to make friends with kids because they don't know I'm older than them, so I fit right in. I feel a little bit like an immortal elf, or actually like the real Peter Pan: I never grow up, so my friends are always technically younger than me, and it doesn't matter. 

I'm not going to list their names here just yet for plenty of good reasons: The biggest of which being I don't want Nick or other big names learning about them yet and ruining their childhoods forever as Nick and other big names are prone to doing. 

You know me, I always have a problem with someone. ;)

Lloyd Out!