About Me

I'm the second born in a family of superheros, but the very last out of all 12 to have acquired any powers: As of 2005, I discovered I have the ability to heal instantly, as well as heal others via a kiss or tears. More recently, I've also discovered I have unpredictable adrenaline-based teleportation.
I am the semi-leader of a semi-group of alien friends called The Mythical Gang. The only humans in my E.T club are myself, my ex-arch enemy Lavender, and Pegasus. We've raised 7 genetically-enhanced child experiments, and are still making new friends with new super-kids. Together we get into all kinds of trouble; meeting big-name super heros and villains along the way!

And with that recipe for disaster, you know this blog is gonna be fun!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Introducing ~ BuddyPoke Style!

Alright, alright, alright, ALRIGHT ALREADY!!
 Phew.... Okay, the Mythical Gang wants to be introduced on my blog... They've been nagging me about it for, like, EVER!.. But I don't have a camera present and it would take too long to draw profiles for you, so I sent every member of the group to my new favorite facebook game: BuddyPoke- And told them to make themselves outta 3D buddies.
This is what they came up with-- Granted, these are not exact likenesses due to BuddyPoke not having every required feature available, but they had enough to get the basic idea across. I've posted the Mythical Buddies below, as well as some information about the gang member that they represent. I've also listed what was wrong with the design. Enjoy!

Nickname: Lav
My Ex-Archenemy. 
Lavender is what some people call "a mutant", most people would say "a freak", and I affectionately refer to as "a gifted human being with superhuman abilities".
She can create super energy shields of any size that will return any force inflicted on it ten-fold to sender, sorta like a rubber ball. She started her career as a villain mostly because of her family: Like me, every single person in her family is also a mutant. She was once the leader of a super villain group called The Purples. She is the daughter of the elusive villain aristocrat, Sonic Thunder, and the step-daughter of a super lawyer called MindsEye. She has a step-brother and a half-sister who are also mutant villains.
If I had to describe Lavender using personality traits only, she would be;
Pushy, emotional, prideful, sassy, head-strong, spicy, affectionate, and flirtatious toward cute guys. She often plays 'better-then-thou' and pretends to be snobby. In a phrase: "She's smooth as cream, even when she's working against you." ~ Miss Stacy, Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel

BuddyPoke anomalies: This one is pretty good. Lav's real uniform is actually all just one shade of purple. Only the left sleeve is lighter then the rest because the fabric over that arm is kinda see-through. 

Nickname: Gen
My Young Justice friend.
Genovia comes from mars-- Yup, she's a little green martian... Only she's not little.. She's about the same size as a regular human teenager. She was one of the first Mythical Gang members, and frankly, she has a lot of abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, senses, mentality, and endurance, Shapeshifting, Hypnosis, Telekinesis, Density alteration, Longevity, Healing factor, Flight, Telepathy, and something weird she calls Martian Vision.
Do these powers sound familiar?.. Then you must be a Justice League fan, for in fact, Genovia is the daughter of the renowned Martian Manhunter, AKA J'onn J'onzz.
Gen is a little harder to describe personality wise, but she's mostly:
Serious, quiet, compassionate, contemplative, eh... Sorta motherly. She's the mature one who prefers a diplomatic solution over fighting, I guess you could say.

BuddyPoke anomalies: Oh dear, oh dear, where to begin? For starters, her eyes turned out green for some reason; they're supposed to be orange- without pupils or eye whites. She only has one revealing stripe on the lower half of each of her thighs. She also wears full-sleeves, with one diamond shaped hole on either shoulder. On her left shoulder, she should have some funky-looking dark green marking that she got from another dimension after doing a heroic deed-- ((I'll tell you that story later.)) 

Nickname: Fair
Our friendly neighborhood Invader.
Fairy is also a mutant, but she's a mutant alien. Her original race were a bunch of eggy white, black, and red Invaders who are allergic to sunlight.. Funny thing is: Poor Fairy can shoot sunlight from her fingertips. So to her people, her powers are basically lethal.
Fairy came with the conquest group to Mars, and later, to Earth- Having stowed away both times. She was never sympathetic to her people's war-like ways, and was actually just searching for a place where she could belong. She joined the Mythical Gang shortly after the Justice League vanquished the alien invasion and was later was able to take on a human form with fairy wings- Hence her name.
Fairy can definitely be described as a generous, confident, care-free girly-girl.
She's a fashionista: Loves to shop, always has just the right outfit (ie. for herself and others), totally into facials and makeovers, looks her best 100% of the time-- Come to think of it, she may be the only one in the group who still looks fabulous even after a huge battle.

BuddyPoke anomalies: Well, for starters, she has yellow pixie wings. Also, Fairy never wears her hair like that- It's always in a braid. As far as her outfit goes, it's pretty well done, only she wears a white shoulder shawl-thingy and the grey on her boots should be pointed knee gaurds.

Nickname: Drag
A tom-boy in someways more then others.
Dragon is not a mutant alien, but she is an alien who has somehow been mutated. She comes from very different kind of alien world where all girls are gryffin-like and all guys are dragon-like, but through some freak of nature, she and her twin brother Gryffin came out in reverse: A gryffin-like guy and a dragon-like girl.... I guess with that being the case, it is safey assume that Dragon must look very manly and her brother very girly on their planet- To us on Earth though, they look normal
Anywhoo, I rescued the both of them from drowning after their hijacked spaceship crash landed in a swimming pool. They escaped their home world on (would you believe) Dragon's wedding day, trying to save her from being forcefully wed to the king.. The creep later followed them to Earth-- Another long story that I'll eventually get around to telling you.
To describe Dragon, I would used the terms: Tom-boy, head strong, go-getter, firey, somewhat snarky, and dare I say aggressive.. But only on bad days.
Her abilities include a killer screech, fire breath, flight, very strong razor sharp claws, superhuman strength, speed, agility, endurance, and longevity and keen senses. 

BuddyPoke anomalies: o.o;; Pretty much everything... Her hair is longer then that, she has webbed ear-fins, and a dragon's wings and tail. There is no white stripe on her torso at all, and the red on her uniform only covers her stomach, not her chest. Her belt should also have a yin & yang symbol on it, as should the sides of her boots.

Nickname: Gryff
Currently, the only boy in our group.. How sad.
Gryffin is Dragon's twin brother. He was the one who initiated the escape from their home world in order to save his sister from an arranged marriage.
I think of all of us, Gryffin has done the most growing up: Going from a very wimpy, immature peacock boy to a strong and handsome teenage heartthrob. While he admits that being the only boy in a group of super girls is tough sometimes, I think he's turned out all the better for it- Especially considering the fact that he's starting to take an interest in girl's now... ((He insists I add::)) "If you're looking for a charming guy who is more considerate then most, and knows how to be a proper gentleman when in a ladies presence, then give [Gryff] a ring"-- Beware though, we're kinda like a little family, so me and the girls are a bit possessive over him.. ;)
Describing Gryffin in a few words is easy: Affable, playful, easygoing, carefree, goofball, and always cheerful, but I'd be lying if I said he isn't kinda arrogant and lazy sometimes.
Like Dragon,  his abilities contribute to his names sake: Killer screech, lightning breath, flight, very strong razor sharp talons, superhuman strength, speed, agility, endurance, and longevity and keen senses.
BuddyPoke anomalies: Surprisingly, this is actually pretty spot on- Except for the obvious fact that he has feathered wings, a lion's tail, and his ears are feathered.

Nickname: Fee
Our human-like fireball.
Phoenix is neither alien nor mutant, but she ain't human either even though she has a human form. We're talking about the embodiment of the element of fire- Basically a fireball with a soul. Phoenix naturally has every single fire ability you can think of: Controlling fire, fireballs, even being immune to burns and heat- You name it, she's got it! Like the legendary creature for which she is named, she's pretty much indestructible. She'll just vanish into ash whenever she's supposedly killed, only to roar to life in an fiery blaze a minute later.
Her only weakness is water- ((Why let that out of the bag?.. Because the only people who'd actually care, already know.))
She was the third member to join the mythical gang, and to be honest, she's the brains of the entire outfit. We each contribute to the technology we use by applying our knowledge where it's needed, but Phoenix is the one who throws it all together. She's the one who created my speeder!
Personality wise, she is: Hot-headed, strong willed, independent, and optimistic.. Sometime short of temper,  but what else would you expect from an immortal ball of flame?

BuddyPoke anomalies: Again, sorta spot on, but not exactly. Her hair does stick up, but not like that. She wears dark red gloves, and the symbol on her chest in really a fiery bird.   
Well, the boots don't come up high enough.


Ah yes, Mythical Gang drop outs... We have those, yes indeedee. 

Uni was the youngest member in our group. She doesn't really have any powers, but she is a mutant. She decided super hero life just isn't for her, and perused an ice-skating career instead. She was an orphan when I first met her, but her coaches have long since adopted her... She's very happy with them and writes regularly.
Sweet, compassionate, and soft-spoken.. Superhero life really wasn't for her.

BuddyPoke anomalies: Perfect... Only she's missing the little horn that sticks out of the top of her head- Hence her name.

Nickname: Jack
Jack was literally the first member of the Mythical Gang.. He was with me before we even became a gang. I first met him on the streets of Gotham City-- But I already told you that story. Though he didn't have any powers, he was definitely my favorite and we even dated at one time.
He didn't look like a twisted clown boy when I first met him; the Joker did that to him somehow after shooting me, which was actually when I first got my powers.. ((I don't think I'll ever tell you that story.. It's intense))
He used to be charismatic and cheerful, but... Well, I dunno. He just slowly became solemn, bitter, under confident, mistrusting toward even me, completely grey aura, just such a drag. Stopped smiling, never laughed. I think he lost his emotional marbles. He left the Myth Mansion and never came back, even stopped contacting me. When I asked him what the deal was, he said he couldn't tell me because he was protecting me.... How do you deal with a person like that?
I used to be sympathetic and understanding, but after repeated blow-offs, I stopped trying. I admit nowadays when we do actually talk, I'm not the friendliest person in the world toward him.

BuddyPoke anomalies: His boots have curly toes and are mismatched.. His face is also more colorful then that, but this works.

And that's everyone!
Now when I tell you a story, you can actually enjoy it. Hip-Hip-Hurrah!!
I'll draw more accurate pictures and post them later. Hope you liked this entry even though there weren't very many laughs, but hey, when are facts fun?

Lloyd out!

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