About Me

I'm the second born in a family of superheros, but the very last out of all 12 to have acquired any powers: As of 2005, I discovered I have the ability to heal instantly, as well as heal others via a kiss or tears. More recently, I've also discovered I have unpredictable adrenaline-based teleportation.
I am the semi-leader of a semi-group of alien friends called The Mythical Gang. The only humans in my E.T club are myself, my ex-arch enemy Lavender, and Pegasus. We've raised 7 genetically-enhanced child experiments, and are still making new friends with new super-kids. Together we get into all kinds of trouble; meeting big-name super heros and villains along the way!

And with that recipe for disaster, you know this blog is gonna be fun!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween Problems

Lock the windows! Bolt the doors! Activate every security system known to SHIELD! 
Halloween begins at midnight tonight, and doesn't end until midnight tomorrow night!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it sounds like I'm overeating- Aaaand I know some people like Halloween. 
"Candy!" they'll say, 
"Dress-up!" I'm reminded, 
"Harmless pranks!" comes a voice from a corner.

While it's true Halloween maybe fun for some people, in the super hero world, it is:

Don't worry, I'm writing to you from a super safe location in the bottom of my favorite closet! 

It seems to me that what makes Halloween so much fun for normal people is the prospect of being scared silly by something that doesn't exist.. But for superheros such as myself and many, many others, we have no such luxury. Every mutation, alien, and super-powered creep known to imagination REALLY EXISTS for us and ALWAYS STRIKES DURING HALLOWEEN!.... It's the best time for it you see. There are so many goofballs roaming the streets dressed as one thing or another, a real thing can just walk on by without ever getting noticed. Not to mention some citizens get it into their heads that it would be fun to beat up a real hero or villain if ever they spot one.

Seriously, I was attacked by a 5-year old Sonic Thunder and his older sister "Loki" a year ago-- While I was in the middle of trying to stop mutant monster from destroying the town!

Yes, there are girls who dress like guys during Halloween.. I've even done it myself.

For the record: The real Sonic Thunder is somewhere in his early 40s and is actually Lavender's super-villain father. The Mythical Gang and I have never had dealings with him personally, but apparently he's a 'big name' who causes a lot of trouble for some big name superheros, like Superman and who-not... He's also the hilariously smooth-talking, quick-witted kind of guy who thinks himself too good to work with other villains-- And why shouldn't he? According to record, he's been at it since he was 17 and has never been caught! Though he did go into a brief retirement after marrying Lavender's mother, who I understand was actually a superhero. 

After she died though, he came out of it again and later married a super-villain woman who already had a super-villain son of her own, and together Sonic Thunder and the lady had Lavender's super-villain little sister... Yeah. Everyone in Lavender's family is a super villain (Except Lavender, who lives with me now) because I can only imagine what it must be like at home::

Awful, right?

PS. She wants it to go one record that her Dad is okay with her choice. The only ones she has problems with are her literally evil step-mother, step-brother, and half-sister.


I know, I know, I seemed so psyched for Halloween back in 2012, but things change-- Actually, they didn't, I just forgot because we stayed home that year. It was pretty fun because instead of going door to door, we trick-or-treated at each other's rooms. It worked out great, The Headmaster's freaky scientist guys didn't catch us, and MGAP was not unleashed upon the world before the world was ready for them! Everybody won!

Not to mention another thing I forgot: You see, every year about this time, a group of classic-monster based freaks will emerge from the sewers and try to capture Genovia. Supposedly, a drop of Martian blood is the only thing that can unlock the door to their horrific nightmarish world. We've had to deal with them every year for the past.... However long it's been since I got my powers.

Okay, some seriously macho readers out there may be wondering:
"What's so bad about one drop of blood?"

Well, my friend, you might as well be asking "What's so bad about global warming?" or "What's so bad about the ice age?".. It's not the thing it's self, it's the end result. The whole world will be covered in creepy Halloween-ish monsters! Also, I'm a tad concerned because of how this thing is 'Martian' specific. Why only Martians? Who made this door? How did they know about Martians anyway?

I never intend to find out... EVER!
Some secrets are best left secret!

So, if the problem is for Genovia, why am I hiding?... Simple. Erik lives here too and Halloween is his favorite time of the year. Be afraid.. Be very afraid!

Lloyd out!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

This is Rogue 2, we've found them.. Repeat, we've found them...

Hail the conquering slacker! Tra-la-la-la-la-la-la!!
I suppose you're wondering about my long absence, my sing-song intro, and the Star Wars reference title. Well, I'll break it down: It's because we caught the Old House freak scientist guys. That's right! The Headmaster and his freakazoid cronies are in jail!! Whoo-Hoo!

Okay, I lied. They're not in jail, they're actually in SHIELD's custody, but I guess that's just as good- Even though I don't trust SHIELDs ability to retain their captives for more then a few seconds, but meh. For the moment, we are free of chaos.

Turns out, Vanna is the Headmaster's own daughter. Can you believe that?! Poor baby.

Anyway, everyone in the Myth Mansion is fine. The kids have really improved over the past year, they're no longer crazy-out-of-control balls of energy, but are now decent members of society and full blown super heros. Some of their powers have been going wonky and they've been feeling sick as of late. According to the Headmaster, it's because their DNA is unstable- And that's what he needed Lav, Gen, Peg, and I for.. Sheran, Erik, Vanna, and Marrietta seem fine though, so I don't exactly believe him.

Catnip and Bluebird have joined SHEILD, sadly.. So, I never get to see them anymore. But I'll get post-cards every holiday, so I know they're happy in their work.

Anywhoo, we're looking into getting MGAP super names. Any suggestions? They have to be mythical creatures. The kids came up with their own during the mission to catch these science-do-dos, but some of them just don't stick--- And considering they wore their Halloween costumes instead of the super suits (that we are still working on), the press doesn't refer to them by those names either.

Here's what we've been working with so far::

Erik wants to be called Phantom, though there's some serious debate on whether or not it fits him. I personally think Monster Boy would be better.... Or Goblin...

Jewel wants to be called Hippogriff, but I personally think it's too close to Gryffin; and we already have a Gryffin.

Miko wants to be Wyvern- But I think that sounds more like a girl's name.

Marrietta has a lot of robotic traits, but we've decided to call her Mermaid anyway since we've needed a Mermaid in the group for a long, long time. She has water powers, so technically, it fits.

Vanna wants to be called Ghost because of her skin is as white as a paper sheet-- While perfect for power and appearance, I'm iffy on this one because I don't want to start introducing creepy/Halloween-like mythical names into the group. (Goblin for Erik being the only exception.)

Takan has claimed the position of Elf, even though that's what I really wanted for myself! =(

Sheran would be a more appropriate Phantom in my mind due to her shadowy powers, but like I said, Erik wants that name. So, so far, she's got nothing.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Phil Coulson is ALIVE@!!!

I don't know how!.. nobody knows how.
But he is. 

This means one of three things: Nick lied to us, Phil is a zombie, or my being dead in the Helicarrier hallway was not completely unknown.. I tried to corner Nick Fury on this and figure out which of the above was the truth, but he didn't say much. He's kinda short with me ever since I got the MGAP kids adopted. We've mostly stopped interacting with one another until Genovia brought Phil's not-death to my attention.

Now, I want to shake Nick Fury by his ears.

Nick was like:

And I'm all::

If you've never felt the complicated emotion of being joyful at one person and perfectly livid at another all at the same time, I'm al a loss to explain it to you. I've come to the conclusion that Nick is a serious control freak and I don't like him at all! From this moment on, the scissors have closed upon the string of our connection, I will not cater to him a second longer. My probation has long since expired, there's NO need for him to be breathing down my neck and monitoring my life anymore forever. Good day you, one-eyed bald-man! Good bye, good luck, and good riddance!

So yeah, Phil's alive... YAY! 
But I can't call him and invite him out for "I missed you, glad your not dead like I thought you were" doughnuts because I'm breaking away from SHIELD..... And apparently he's real busy as part of some "Agents of SHIELD" thing now. 

Dunno what that's all about, and I would look into it if I cared, but anywhoo! Happy bout Phil, mad at Nick.

Lloyd out!