About Me

I'm the second born in a family of superheros, but the very last out of all 12 to have acquired any powers: As of 2005, I discovered I have the ability to heal instantly, as well as heal others via a kiss or tears. More recently, I've also discovered I have unpredictable adrenaline-based teleportation.
I am the semi-leader of a semi-group of alien friends called The Mythical Gang. The only humans in my E.T club are myself, my ex-arch enemy Lavender, and Pegasus. We've raised 7 genetically-enhanced child experiments, and are still making new friends with new super-kids. Together we get into all kinds of trouble; meeting big-name super heros and villains along the way!

And with that recipe for disaster, you know this blog is gonna be fun!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Hiding From Hydra

Wowee! What a great start to the month of November. It's been so intense, I honestly never thought I'd get a chance to write on this blog of mine ever again.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuut, before I go into all that, I'd like it to go on record that Halloween was just fine and fun. I decided to stay home with my super-de-duper family instead of going Trick-Or-Treating, and Genovia spent her holiday on Mars..

So yeah, we're good and the world is safe for one more year. =3


Anywhoo, so I'm alone this week.

The MGAP kids are with their foster families, the Mythical Gang are playing as "representatives of Earth" with the Intergalactic Who's-Their-Faces out in space again, Pegasus is on tour, and Lavender has gone to Paris to visit her dad. All in all, this leaves me alone to cause trouble where ever I see fit. Two nights ago, I saw fit amid the glamorous upper-crust as they partied in a museum/research-facility/government-type place with a crystal chandelier and technological inventions on display.

Of course, I'm no where near rich enough to actually attend such a gathering, so instead I volunteered to help serve people their food. This made me the perfect by-stander when some woman suddenly switches out of her ballgown into a black suit, rips off her wig, and presses a button which causes half the ballroom to explode. During the chaos, she steals this tiny little device and retreats down the hall.

Now, I don't really know how it happened, but somehow I ended up in Trouble-Lady's way:
First the other food-serving volunteers were all freaking out, so to maintain my civilian cover, I freak out too. The place is on fire, the security guards are chasing Trouble-Lady somewhere in the building, and rich people are everywhere.. So, we're all kinda running around a screaming despite the police officer's telling us to exit the building in an orderly manner and remain calm.

Then I think: "Hey, this looks like a job for--" and rush down one of the smoky halls to change into my super suit. Next thing I know, Trouble-Lady is tripping over me!

Okay. A golden star for common civilian me, right? Wrong! Because the second she goes down and I come up, she uses this hand held laser gun and shoots the back of my neck! The security guards tackle her and cuff her an instant afterward. Meanwhile, I'm standing there contemplating whether I should fall over and fake my death-- Which is something I'd have to do if she intended to kill me with that shot. But I didn't faint, I didn't even feel like fainting. All I felt was a sting, which meant her shot couldn't be lethal, so why pretend it was?

The guards escort her out and beckon for me to follow since the whole place is going up in flames. Once we're out on the street of course, I notice Trouble-Lady glaring holes into me as she's loaded into the police car.

[Tough break, criminal!] I think pridefully, [You can never tangle with the unstoppable duo of Lloyd and Dumb Luck!] Though technically, this victory goes to my mild-mannered civilian counterpart.

I go home, end Day 1.

Next morning, I'm walking down the street toward the store, whistling a happy little tune. All is right with the world, though, I'd have to be a complete idiot to be window shopping and NOT notice the reflection of a little mechanical probe droid following me around. So, I do what any experienced super hero would do and spring into action!..... And by that I mean I kept walking and whistling.

I go into the store, effectively leaving the probe outside and start to get a little shopping done, when suddenly I get a call from Nick Fury. I'm pleasant enough in my greeting, but am in turn greeted by an urgent warning to stay inside my house and a demand to know my location. 

"Too late, I'm already at the store getting milk." I say defiantly, picking up a jug of said moo juice.

At that point, Nick sees fit to let me in on the drama of which I have so cluelessly become a part:
Turns out, the thief from yesterday was an Hydra agent. The device she stole was not on her after she was arrested, and after going over the news reel several times, SHIELD agents determined she was glaring really hard at me because I had it. 

[Rediculous!] I think to myself. Then Nick drops the bomb: The device has been implanted in the back of my neck. Now, there is a tiny mark back there that lets other Hydra agents know I am the one they are looking for.

How. Did. It. Happen?
My mind is taken back to the sting I felt, and my absence of fainting when the lady shot me.

And where am I? In the middle of a shopping mart.
What am I wearing? A simple show-the-back-of-your-neck T-shirt.
How long is my hair? As short as you please.
Is there any way this mark of mine could have been over-looked by ruthless people who are searching so adamantly for it? Not. A. Chance.

I quickly put the milk in my cart and begin to make my way back toward the front of the store, continuing to carry a conversation with Nick as though he's a good buddy who called me up to ask if I would go to the movies with him tonight. As I near the check out, I notice a lot of people with the Hydra symbol circling around the building-- And a lot of commonly dressed folks looking intently at the nape of any by-passers. Oh joy.

I make a bee-line for the clothes isle with intent of hiding myself among the millions of sweaters for half-off. As I do so, I make the situation known to Nick, who promises he'll be there shortly. I then notice the most adorable rainbow scarf in all the world... Sadly, I can't afford it.

"Hey Nick, if I successfully complete this mission, can you buy me this scarf?" I ask hopefully, taking a picture of it and sending it to him. Nick naturally tells me to stop goofing off and hangs up.

Just then, one of the store people come up from behind me and tell me I can have the scarf for free. He takes it from me and wraps it around my neck quickly, glancing around with an unusual look of discomfort in his eye. I notice it, but considering I really want the scarf anyway, I thank him and run to the dressing room to see how it looks. While inside, I suddenly over hear his manager yelling at him. His excuse is surprising!

Turns out, he noticed all the Hydra agents around and that they were looking for something, then he noticed the mark on the back of my neck and knew. I quickly take off the scarf and turn around, using the reflection in my phone's screen to see the back of my head in the mirror. Sure enough, the "mark" is the Hydra symbol. 

Well, I feel bad for getting this guy in trouble, so I leave the scarf inside the dressing room. I don't want him to get fired after he tried to save my life, and I know for a fact what Hydra will do if they figure out a civilian is trying to help me escape... Then again, I also know what Hydra will do to any civilian who is causing them trouble they don't want to be having. Thus I retreat to the make-up isle and get decked up like a super hero space alien! Around this point, I'm attracting more than just Hydra's attention, so I leave my shopping cart and make a break for it.

The run around the building goes well, until some weirdo with metal arms heads me off!
So, I get captured. End Day 2.

Now, as I sit in a cell awaiting dismemberment, I gotta ask myself: WHERE IN OVERLOOKED ESPIONAGE WAS SHIELD!?! Nick said they were coming, but did they come? No. They. Did. Not.

But, I am an optimist! So I decide to entertain myself by talking to my next-door cell mates. Surprisingly, it is a father with his young son and daughter; all three of which apparently have super powers and are being used in genetic experimentation... Just like the MGAP kids were! Still dressed as a lunatic from the outer space circus, I don't choose to let them in on my background, but vow to free them when I make my daring escape. Turns out the guy with metal arms is a prisoner there too, only he's been there much longer than the others and is extremely susceptible to Hydra's command.

No matter. I'm a friendly person. And if I can play a friendly game of Tic-Tac-Toe with Loki, I think I can carry a decent conversation with the person who just kidnapped me and took me to the undoubted doom that awaited me in one of Hydra's laboratories. The guy is actually a pretty decent bloke, we get to talking about plenty of good memories. Then some nurse lady comes in and takes the little girl from the cell next to me, leaving her father and brother helpless behind. At the next moment, some doctor comes for me too... Unlike the little girl though, I'm not new to this.

I have years and years and YEARS of crime-fighting behind me, so I know how to handle myself when some punk thinks he can bully me.

Needless to say, I escape my captors and leave them unconscious in a closet. But I'm not ready to escape just yet; first, I have to find the little girl. I find a long stretch with several numbered rooms where experiments are taking place, but I have no idea which one is the one I'm looking for. So, like any decent hotel vandal, I run down the hallways banging on all the doors! The scientists come out asking questions and looking confused, then shrug and go back inside-- All except one. 

There's one who has the keys to the cell, so I ambush that guy and steal his coat. Then I go back to the cells and let my buddies out. Sadly, the guy with the metal arms has been taken out on another mission. So, it's just the three of us. I go back to the hallway with the two guys in tow and suddenly realize the doctor I knocked out could not have returned to his room, so I look at the number on my badge and go there. Turns out, the little girl was inside!

Luck of the Lloyd!

Together, we escape Hydra's facility.. And since I never do anything without a half way, I put in a call to some of my people (namely the Justice League) and get the whole laboratory arrested. Muha! The father and his children have gone their way, as have a lot of the other freed prisoners... I didn't stay to see how everything turned out. Bat-Buddy and Super-Nerd had everything pretty much wrapped up, so I decided to go home.

But get this: When I told The Jutice League that I would have called SHIELD to handle the Hydra guys, I was informed that SHIELD has fallen. Some Hydra agents infiltrated the place, killed Nick, and have taken down the entire system!

....So... That's why SHIELD never showed up...
And all while I was shopping too.

And there you have it. I'm now safe and sound now.
Unfortunately, I still have the device in my neck, but that hasn't become a problem yet since my super suit has a turtle neck.

No, I don't have the details on what the device is.. Nick said he'd tell me, but given the circumstances, I don't think that's going to happen. Instead, I asked Bat-Buddy to do some research and see what he could find out about the unhappy little gigabyte... In the meantime, no info.

I really don't know what to think about Nick's death..
I'm sorry if it's true, but given the fact that Phil is alive, I'm kinda in doubt Nick is really dead at all. The stinker may be faking! 
If he's not, I'm going to feel terrible. 

Lloyd Out!

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