About Me

I'm the second born in a family of superheros, but the very last out of all 12 to have acquired any powers: As of 2005, I discovered I have the ability to heal instantly, as well as heal others via a kiss or tears. More recently, I've also discovered I have unpredictable adrenaline-based teleportation.
I am the semi-leader of a semi-group of alien friends called The Mythical Gang. The only humans in my E.T club are myself, my ex-arch enemy Lavender, and Pegasus. We've raised 7 genetically-enhanced child experiments, and are still making new friends with new super-kids. Together we get into all kinds of trouble; meeting big-name super heros and villains along the way!

And with that recipe for disaster, you know this blog is gonna be fun!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Being a Registered Superhero, Avengers Disassembled, and a few other topics... ANYWAY!

So, I understand the Avengers have gotten into a bit of a disagreement with one another, which has coincidentally resulted in half the group dividing asunder. I don't know where on earth Hulk and Thor stand in this conflict, but maybe I can cling to the hope that they just know better than to pick sides among friends.

Ironman and Captian America, however, lead the charge with different views on a newly announced governmental bill...

I don't fully comprehend what exactly started the Aiv-G's off on one another because there was an excessive amount of large words in the explanation process-- BUT I'm vaguely under the impression the government is sick of heroes flying in, destroying everything, then flying out on a blazing trail of glory... Which kind of makes sense, actually, I mean you help with the party but you don't help with the clean up? ANYWAY the government wants superheroes to register with them: Meaning they'll call when they need help, but otherwise, stay out of it.

Granted, heroes "fly in" when there is absolutely nobody else on the planet can do anything about the problem, they also save over half a million lives and even the whole world from lunitic aliens with subjugation issues.. And granted, after fighting off an army of radioactive ninjas, the heroes are pretty much exhausted-- DROP. DEAD. EXHAUSTED!

Nevertheless, speaking on behalf of a few civilians I know, I should think there would still be something for a superhero to help rebuild after a week or four of resting up, so why not come back and lend a constructive hand?...

... I dunno. Honestly, I can't judge. I have instant healing abilities and cause little to no property damage when thrown at a brick wall. 

Of course, I understand the heroes side of the argument too. I mean honestly, are you under some delusion that there would be less of a mess if we didn't show up? Hehehe no. Just picture all that building rubble as people rubble. Aliens don't want you, they want the planet. Nuff said.

Yet I digress. This is not about whether it's right or wrong to make a mess on behalf of saving the world and not helping clean it up afterward-- Though personally, I think as far as that goes, Ultron should have been an "After-Super-Battle Clean-Up Droid" rather than a "Replace the Super-Hero Entirely Droid" which would have saved everyone A LOT OF TROUBLE and Ironman calls himself a genius. puh!--- But again, that is really not the point. 

What Ironman and Captain America are disagreeing about is whether the government should be involved in summoning forth a legion of superheroes whenever they see fit, whether the heroes wanna help, don't wanna help, or simply can't help; being little more than a body to throw at the enemy due to colds or leg injury.

Yet, I'm reminded, we are talking about the same people who were gonna nuke Manhattan just because it was being invaded by aliens-- Like that's never happened before. Not to mention the fact the portal would still be open and the aliens were pretty much mutant boogers anyway, so a little radiation wouldn't have hurt 'em at all and they just would have kept coming-- But again, I digress. 


The government wants heroes to register... Or maybe they just want the Avengers to register. I'm not sure. I haven't really heard anything about it personally because, like I said, my super-battles don't damage anything but myself. Nevertheless, this is not the first time I've heard the term "Registered Superhero" in my life. 

In fact, my younger sister, Vortex, is a registered superhero who wears it proudly and recommends it on a regular basis. My twin sister; Galaxia, however, is adamantly opposed to registering, and is even considered a phantom menace in some countries for lack of governmental respect... 

In her defense, she's a living rip in space; hence a piece of outer-space, hence it would kinda be ridiculous for her to respect one single government on one single continent of one single planet.

And, I think we can all agree, the people of Earth have joined their alien neighbors in becoming stark-raving control freaks:... The only difference being, we like to subjugate each other instead of other planets. But that's REALLY beside the point.

...Wow, I'm bad at staying on topic.


So that's what I hear is currently going on with my superbuds.. Sad really. And not to jump to conclusions, or point fingers, or do anything really, but I smell another hero vs. hero duke-out shaping up here. 

Lloyd Out!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Hydra Update...

Hello once again my good friends, funny neighbors, creepy stalkers, and new aquaintances who have been so unfortunate as to have stumbled here by mistake. It has been a year. A complete, full, exact to the very date year since Hyrda began hunting for me... Thus far, there has been no progress.

Bat-Buddy has not come any closer to discovering how to remove the chip, and Nick (who IS alive, ah-ha-ha-ha I KNEW IT!) refuses to tell me what it does-- As if that somehow is supposed to make it all better. Look here punk! (And I know you read this, Nick) Just because I don't know what it is, doesn't means it's not there and not giving me trouble, OKAY?!

Anyway, I'm very glad it is winter because wearing turtlenecks in the summer is TORTURE!!.. Nevertheless, those times when I'm safe inside my house and my neck is killing me, I'm reminded that a tacky looking symbol of an ugly octopus is still on the back of my neck:

Just look at that unattractive little thing...
Makes you think of a warning label in a sushi restaurant, doesn't it?


But at least I can say that I literally have eyes on the back of my head, which makes me laugh!

We interrupt your regularly scheduled nonsense to bring you this important disclaimer!

--And Lavender, looking over my shoulder as I typed, just asked me something I think is important to address: Why do I keep using My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic gifs in order to describe my face about certain things? Well, that's simple:

We now return to your regularly scheduled nonsense...


You know, after giving it some thought, I don't think I'd let them take it out even if they did know how. Oh, why you ask? Because, I don't think I trust anyone in SHIELD enough to let them preform surgery on me.. They can't do anything right unless there is a laser cannon and some government conspiracy involved! 

In any case, I'm probably the safest person for it right now. I mean, I don't even know what it does. Whose to say they won't take it out of me and end up loosing it to some ninja thief, or misusing it for themselves? I stay far enough away from both idiotic organizations, so neither Hyrda nor Shield would ever get it again. The whole "You fight over it, you loose it" play! 

HA! How do you like that, Nick Fury? Stick that in your "Confidential Information" and file it! 



MUWAHAHAHAHAHAH--- Alright I'm done.

Lloyd Out!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

"Kree"-ative, Nick.. Really.

"On Dec. 2, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will finally reveal that its mysterious blue man from outer space — the one whose rejuvenating blood saved the life of Director Phil Coulson is a member of the humanoid Kree race."

The above was a professionally released newsletter from SHIELD, trying to shed light on the publicly asked question: "How did Phil survive?".

Now, I'm not going to go so far as to say aliens don't exist, because we all know that they do-- And admittedly, the Kree are blue, but I smell foul play. I smelled it when my father, Techno Guru, was called upon to help SHIELD with some data files and revealed to me what was then top secret information, that Phil's life was saved by the transferring of blood from a blue, healing alien.

...Yeah. I don't believe it!
Where was this alien when the Helicarrier was attacked? More importantly, where was I?
I'll tell you: I WAS DEAD! DEAD IN THE HALLWAY! I mean, what are the odds of that?!

Now, now, now, I'm probably just overreacting. I'm sure there is a blue alien, just like SHIELD says, and that he happily gave his blood to Phil for the accomplishment of the greater good. ......

Oh wait, the alien DIDN'T give it willingly! According to the reports my father found, the alien was DEAD TOO!!! I can't tell if this is just the greatest coincidence in all the world, or if it's the creativity of a warped mind whose initials are NICK FURY!!!

Tell me Nick, where DID this convenient alien corpse come from? Do you just crate it around magically behind your stupid eye patch in case of emergencies!?! No? Well, then you naturally took Phil to the hospital- Or wherever you were keeping this said alien? How was Phil magically able to cling to life after being stabbed through the heart? NOBODY IS BUYING IT!!!!

Admit it, you fraud!

Lloyd IS OUT!