About Me

I'm the second born in a family of superheros, but the very last out of all 12 to have acquired any powers: As of 2005, I discovered I have the ability to heal instantly, as well as heal others via a kiss or tears. More recently, I've also discovered I have unpredictable adrenaline-based teleportation.
I am the semi-leader of a semi-group of alien friends called The Mythical Gang. The only humans in my E.T club are myself, my ex-arch enemy Lavender, and Pegasus. We've raised 7 genetically-enhanced child experiments, and are still making new friends with new super-kids. Together we get into all kinds of trouble; meeting big-name super heros and villains along the way!

And with that recipe for disaster, you know this blog is gonna be fun!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Hello Readers!

Hey everybody! This is Genovia. I'm writing at the request of Lloyd, who is currently in a super prison from which even Superman could not escape. Why? Well, Lloyd explained that in a note that I'll let you read in a minute. First, she'd like me to let you know that this is the last time -- until her unlikely bail -- that you'll be seeing anything new on this blog.
She gave me a note on a piece of paper to copy down and submit here.

[[From Lloyd - Please post on Lloydsnoggin.blogspot.com]] 
"Dear readers,
I wish to bid one last farewell to you, for after this, they take my holographic computer ball away from me and leave me alone in this cubical to contemplate the events which led me here..... Those said events being:: 

I happened to meet and befriend two kids; Bluebird and Catnip. Good young people; nice, funny, clever, a little stubborn, but all in all alright. Well, about a week ago they showed up at my door begging for help. They told me the story of a brilliant scientist who had been employed by an evil company and experimented with DNA that would help his dying baby girl to survive. However, he soon discovered his daughter to have a powerful x-gene that his company would no doubt exploit for malicious purposes. Thus he took all of his research and vanished without a trace- Leaving both the company and the company's rivals searching for him.. He made a quiet life in little known canyon town, but continued to invent in his basement; making new things that would help the town and it's people flourish. His daughter grew up and they were all happy- Then the old man died, and while going through his stuff, the townspeople began to be afraid of the old research they were finding as it all still had his old company logo on it... Once his daughter starting toying these things, they got super edgy and called that old company rival that I told you about --Who in this case, happens to be SHIELD-- Yeah...... 

Well, long story short, they told me that Catnip was the daughter of that deceased ex-HYDRA agent, and Bluebird was his ward. They escaped the town and SHIELD only to get snagged by HYDRA a second later. They admitted they had been working for HYDRA for a few weeks but only just discovered that HYDRA was actually the bad guys. Now they needed my help in freeing some captives they got and escaping HYDRA and SHIELD forever..

How could I say no?.. I mean, they were just kids- Both were younger then me.. And we'd become friends. So I did.. Unfortunately that involved doing some questionable things such as resisting an officer, dodging my own government-affiliated super hero sister, and accidentally throwing my glove into the windshield of a SHIELD agents car and making him swerve. I was phoned several times by my friends, family, and Nick Fury himself, begging/demanding me to give up. However, I was convinced my cause was noble and went through with it anyway. In the end, Catnip, Bluebird, and I saved Hydra's captives and got that particular HYDRA group arrested by SHIELD

.. But SHIELD was close behind Catnip and Bluebird too... I was forced into an action that would seal my fate as an enemy to those I had once see as friends: Fending off a SHIELD agent, I gave Bluebird and Catnip my speeder and an invisibility shield, and let them escape. 

Thunderbird, an old friend of Lavender's (previously known as Crow) whom has recently joined the Mythical Gang, said my actions were nothing short of being a true hero and I thank him for that. 
He's not all-together the sharpest knife in the drawer, but after being called a criminal so much, I really needed to hear that. 
As of right now, I'm to be interrogated while friends and family hopelessly work to prove my innocence, but I will not be able to write you all again for sometime. Happy thoughts for you till then and whenever I see you again.

Lloyd out!"

Adding to that, I should let you know that the interrogation ensued, in the which Lloyd has refused to give location or information on the kids, and openly wished the duo well!... Things don't look good for her...
They decided not to give her a trial until Catnip and Bluebird somehow hacked the TV channel network, explained their side of the story exactly as Lloyd did, and broadcast some home videos of Catnip's childhood to prove it... Now she has a trial scheduled for a week from now.

Lloyd's sister Galexia called a renowned mutant named Lawyer Davis in to plead her case in a trial. He's never lost a case, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed anyway.


Monday, July 23, 2012

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Thunderbird!

Nickname: Crow
Lavender's old accomplice/boyfriend - Formerly Crow. 
Seems as though Lavender's old villain team-mate, who confidentially had a crush on her, has found us out. He's a Thanagarian with arcane weaponry, flight, enhanced strength, healing factor, and enhanced vision. He showed up and gave me a pitiful account of his life after Lav left and her evil mutant alien, Jen, took over The Purples. On his hands and knees and basically in tears, he begged me to let him join the Mythical Gang. It's only been a few months since Lavender joined my gang, and I trust her, but I'm a still a little nervous that he might convince Lavender to go bad again.. But I let him join anyway, on the condition that he changed his name to a more mythical creature- Like a Thunderbird-- He's got a electric weapon anyway.
He's sorta dopey, emotional, and wimpy, but he's got a good and tender heart.

BuddyPoke anomalies: Spot on, only his eyes are blue and that thing on his head is actually a bird-like helmet. Oh.. And he has a pair of wings...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Famous Last Words...

So depressingly true... 

I took an online to test to discover what my famous last words would be. All it did was ask me how clumsy I was and what I did in video games, and yet it's strangely accurate. When things are super intense, I always find myself saying exactly that: "WEEEE! This is FUN!"- Or just "WEEEEE!" if I don't have time for the rest of it..... No lie.
It's sorta scary how accurate this is..

Lloyd out!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I'll Be A Hero!

I love inspiring "Hero" songs! They make me feel good about what I do, and what I've seen my friends and family do. I've come across some pretty good ones lately.

Unfortuately, I don't have time make my post long or entertaining today.. I'm pretty swamped with the inbetween stuff that those superhero T.V episodes never show:
Lavender vs. Pegasus drama going on, plus my intergalactic sister has been fired from her royal-alien-brat-sitting job, AND the Baby Team (my younger siblings) have all come down with the flu... But here is a picture of myself and the gang, as well as some of our favorite "Hero" songs!

((DISCLAIMER: These are Youtube videos.. I don't own rights to anything, and a special thanks to the uploaders.))

1. My Favorite: Good Guys Win - Jimmy Buffet

2. Gryff's Favorite: Hero - Sterling Knight

3. Lavender's Favorite: Hero - Mariah Carey

 Dragon, Fairy, Phoenix, Genovia, and Pegasus are still looking and listening for their favorite "Hero" songs. I'll add 'em when they find 'em. In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed!

Lloyd Out!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Enter Pegasus!

Well, we finally have a new addition to the Mythical Gang: Pegasus!
Nickname: Peg
 BuddyPoke anomalies: The real Pegasus has wings, wears most of her hair down, and has yellow in her eyes.
Like myself and Lavender, Pegasus is a mutant but with both abilities and a mutation: She has a pair of white wings that grant her the ability to fly, but she can also produce an infinite amount of energy within herself and others- Like a battery, she can increase someone's power, but only for as long as she's touching them. This also means that the next time there is intergalactic emergency I'll still have two people who will stay on Earth with me! 8D
 ... And yet all is not well in Candyland....

You see, Pegasus and Lavender don't get along very well on account of family issues. Apparently, Pegasus has been a long time archenemy of Lav's family- You know, the hero they always fight? Yeah. I thought I was Lavender's favorite enemy, guess not... As you might have guessed, this is a major problem when it comes to getting the two of them to work together because the antagonist vs protagonist thing is still going on, only now they're on the same side..

They're always arguing all the time! Even Phoenix, fireball in every essence of the word, can't take it anymore and has decided to sleep on the roof until further notice. I've done my best to quell the fighting, I've even put the two disagreeing parties in the rooms furthest apart from each other, but that does not seem to help.

How does one go about making two rivals become friends? Life and death situation? Puh! I think not. Instead of working together to escape wherever I'd drop them, they'd take advantage of my absence and kill each other... You know, that kinda sounds familiar... Did someone think the same thing about Thor and Loki once? *thoughtful face*

How about a common foe? Same outcome. Believe it or not, Lavender is not beyond "accidentally" hitting Pegasus with a shield ball during a serious fight and Pegasus, in turn, will "accidentally" whack Lavender in the head with her golden boomerang...

(First time I've ever had a gang member who uses a weapon)..

And yes, this has happened more then once over a period of two weeks! I think the other gang members are blaming me for this..... I did insist we had to have a new member after all...
But I only had the best intentions! *weeps many tears*

Lloyd out!