About Me

I'm the second born in a family of superheros, but the very last out of all 12 to have acquired any powers: As of 2005, I discovered I have the ability to heal instantly, as well as heal others via a kiss or tears. More recently, I've also discovered I have unpredictable adrenaline-based teleportation.
I am the semi-leader of a semi-group of alien friends called The Mythical Gang. The only humans in my E.T club are myself, my ex-arch enemy Lavender, and Pegasus. We've raised 7 genetically-enhanced child experiments, and are still making new friends with new super-kids. Together we get into all kinds of trouble; meeting big-name super heros and villains along the way!

And with that recipe for disaster, you know this blog is gonna be fun!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

I'm home for the holidays and Jack is too! I'm so happy to be back with my family and ALL of my friends.
I see Erik was here and already filled you in on where I went, but seeing as today is Christmas, I'll fill you in on my side of the story later. For now, I'd like to share this awesome song with you:
Take it very seriously, it's good advice. =)

Sung by Hilary Duff for Cheaper By The Dozen.

(This is the kinda music I can dance to!)

Remember the greatest gift you can receive this year is safety and being with the ones you love, may you have both this holiday season!

Have A Super Merry Christmas!

Lloyd Out!

Friday, December 21, 2012

It's NOT The End Of The World..

Rip off! I was under the impression the world was supposed to end today.. But there are no meteors, no zombies, no running or screaming, nothing.. All we have is a decorated Christmas tree, wrapped presents, hanging stockings, and a couple of gingerbread houses. Everyone is still getting ready for Christmas as usual  Well, I'm disappointed.

Just checking in to let you know that Lloyd is still the same as before.. Been that way for a month so far. Looks like she may miss being with us for the holidays- Which, in all honesty, makes me sad... We've never celebrated Christmas before, especially not with a family... =(
The big kids are gonna try to make this a happy occasion, but I can tell their minds are elsewhere and very sad.

Don't tell anyone I said this, but I miss Lloyd.
Erik was here!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Where's Lloyd?

So why hasn't Lloyd been posting for awhile? I wish I could say it was as simple as not having time, or forgetting, but in all honesty the renowned Girl In Blue has lost her mind... Trust me, it's exactly as it sounds.

I guess I have to explain exactly what I mean, but keep in mind that I'm only 15 years old and all the information I have was taken from old MG files or from the minds of the older kids while they were thinking about it- They never actually tell us anything because it's "Complicated and happened a long time ago.".

Anyway, as I understand it Lloyd had a childhood best friend (later teenage boyfriend) called Jack. Jack went missing about a year ago after months of playing lone wolf and keeping secrets from Lloyd and the rest of the gang. For the longest time, Lloyd has been in grumpy denial about missing him because Jack dumped her before he vanished. Despite the best efforts of Cerebro, tracking devises, life-signature scanners, and other such person-locating-global-scanning devices, Jack literally vanished off the face of the Earth!
After Halloween this year, Lloyd's desire to find Jack was rekindled because the super suit I drew for myself was a lot like his. She took Gryffin and Genovia out with her and went to the last place Jack was seen: The underbelly of Gotham City.
There, they found this weird old man called The Cardmaster who sent Lloyd's mind to the Twilight Zone to help Jack. Lloyd is now unconscious in the medical wing with absolutely no brain activity at all.

So, there you go, Lloyd has lost her mind.


But what am I doing in her blog? 
Well, while everyone was out worrying, I snuck in to see if I could do a better job then Genovia at locating Lloyd's brain.. I've never seen anyone so empty headed. So instead I took her fancy computer ball and turned it on; her blog is the only thing that can be accessed on it and lucky for me she was already logged in. I read everything up to the current date, and decided the only decent thing for me to do would be to take over until Lloyd comes back. Even if she never comes back, I wouldn't want her to loose all her readers, (assuming she hasn't lost you already).

That means you'll be getting information from me now! Eh heheheh. >=D 
This also means I'm gonna need a cool closer instead of Lloyd's cheesy "Out!"... Hmmm, how about-?

Erik was here!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012



Before we get to the celebration of the holidays, I'd like to update you on the Headmaster draa that has recently been unfolding in my life: 'Tis the season for things that scare you, so I'm not at all surprised to learn that The Headmaster and his gang of freak-show evil scientists are hunting us.. He wants the kids back... Badly.
I honestly don't understand. Didn't they read my news paper add about a future villain? Allow me to refer them back to it: CLICKY! It distinctly says "NO EVIL SCIENTISTS". Therefore, they're out of a job, they need to go away.

Anywhoo, Fairy took Marietta shopping for some good fabric to make costumes out of yesterday, and that was kinda how we figured out about the Headmaster's lackeys... Fortunately, a sneak attack ambush in the middle of a shopping mall is nothing the dynamic glowing duo couldn't handle. They made it home safely-  And naturally, Fairy didn't even looks ruffled.

The kids were overjoyed when they got to design both costumes and super suits this Halloween. It's amazing what they've all come up with. Sheran offered to help Fairy sew them together, while Marietta is working with Phoenix to create gadgets for their suits that our suits already have. You know, I was worried about giving Marietta instead of Sheran to Fairy at first, but it actually seems to have done some good. It seems as though Fairy, Marrietta, Pheonix, and Sheran are kinda becoming a foursome.

When they first came here, Sheran and Marrietta were constantly at each others throats, but now, because Sheran likes fashion and Marrietta likes technology, the two are not beyond trading out teachers for a while. At the same time, Pheonix and Fairy seem to be connecting just as much with each other as with their students! I'm so proud.

Hold on, Genovia wants to talk to me- Telepathically, of course.. She does that a lot..........................

WHAT?! I'm supposed to give these kids candy?... Are you stinking kidding me?! I wouldn't mind spoiling them a little bit, but can't it be with something that isn't going to add to their energy and keep them going for an inhumanly long time at full power?
Alright, alright.. I gotta handle this.. Catch you guys later.

Lloyd Out!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

10.11.12 / Intro MGAP

When in doubt, divide and conquer. My "jedi" like apprentice idea is working! The kids have finally stopped feeding off one another's destructive energy and have instead become more settled and willing to learn. Thus, I have time to sit down and get some writing done.

Erik, Headmaster's Exp #1: Age 15.
Erik is a Psychic. At present, the most he can do is read current thoughts and share mental images, but like all mutants with this power, his mind has the ability to increase in strength over time. 
Because he's rather mischievous and curious enough to be considered nosy, the rest of the gang are not looking forward to the day when he can access any thought he wants, project illusions, and control minds at will... But I suppose he has to learn anyway. 
The thing I'm not looking forward to is that break-down all Psychic's have just before entering adulthood, when their powers increase too rapidly for them to control. Genovia is mentally prepping to help him when that happens, and we have Professor Xavier's number on speed dial.
Erik is a good kid, but he's got typical boy syndrome where he's purposely naughty in order to get a rise out of someone, and doesn't feel content with himself until he causes one of his little sisters to squeal. For this reason, I've apprenticed him to Lavender, as she can best match his wits and combat his evil urges.

Tekan, Headmaster's Exp #2: Age 15.
Tekan has many evasive powers, like; X-ray vision, teleportation, and shape-shifting into inanimate objects. 
He's amazingly levelheaded and mature for a 15 year old, even more strongly built and has a deeper voice then Erik and Miko, who are his exact same age. He's impeccably calm under pressure and has a natural talent for giving counsel and advice. He's a fast acting elder brotherly type; often caring for the younger kids and reprimanding Erik before we can. This is not to say that he's stiff or humorless, because the exact opposite is true, he loves to laugh and is very playful. 
Due to the close friendship they formed in The Old House, I've apprenticed him to Genovia.

Miko, Headmaster's Exp #3: Age 15.
Miko is so much like a dragon in both power and personality, that I'm kind of afraid to wonder where they got the DNA for him. His powers are flight, igniting himself on fire, and lightning fast reflexes. 

Miko is stubborn, sarcastic, kinda aggressive, has a short explosive temper and a fancy for shiny objects. He's also got something of a surfer in him as he loves adrenaline rushes, and uses names like: "Dude", "Dudette" and "Bro", more then he uses our real names. He's also fluent with the use of terms like "Groovy", and "Trippin'" each in different context. 
Naturally, he's apprenticed to Dragon, and the two are getting along like peas in a pod.

 Sheran, Headmaster's Exp #4: Age 14. 
Sheran has enhanced senses, superhuman flexibility and agility, and shadow manipulation.
Admittedly, her capabilities are a struggle for us to instruct because we've never encountered powers like hers before. Thankfully, she's always good sport even when we under/overestimate her.

 Sheran could easily be compared in personality to a girl from Paris: She's patient, soft-spoken, sweet, artistic, and affectionate. She's always the first to comment on how cute a boy is or fawn over the latest actor, and she's got such amazing fashion sense- She makes the newest trends!
I would've paired her with Fairy, who is also a bubbly fashionista, but I figured their powers would clash too much and that it would do more harm then good. Instead, she's Pheonix's apprentice, but I'm not opposed to her glamorizing a wardrobe with Fairy whenever she feels like it.

 Jewel, Headmaster's Exp #5: Age 13. 
Naturally, Jewel has the ability to fly, but she also has super wing speed and the ability to cover her entire body in different kinds of armor depending on the element she's in.

As far as I've been able to observe, Jewel is energetic, enthusiastic, and imaginative. Sadly, she's also very timid and painfully shy, so I don't know a whole lot about her personal preferences just yet. She seems to admire Pegasus, but gets very jittery when she has to speak or is being directly spoken to. This is not to say she's a nervous wreck all the time; She's actually very peaceful and calm, but always quiet. She's very uncomfortable around many of the gang members thus far, including myself. Save for her siblings and Gryffin alone no one can really get her to open up. As you may have guessed, she's Gryff's apprentice.

Marietta, Headmaster's Exp #6: Age 11. 
Marietta has a lot of robotic and fish-like abilities: Telepathic communication, glowing in the dark, voice mimicking, psychic control over machines, camouflage, water breathing, and control over water. Her favorite is the last because it allows her to treat any form of liquid like a solid. She also has scaly legs that transform into a mermaid-like fin whenever in contact with water. Also, due to several mechanical computer-like implants in her brain, she has enhanced genius.....
((Due to that same fact, I have enhanced rage at the Headmaster.))

Marietta has a tiny little face and child-like charm that commands love and attention. Just by looking at her, one automatically assumes that she is the sweetest, most adorable thing on the face of the planet. Indeed, she's cute, but she's not as innocent as she seems: Marietta is actually a little dynamo! She's very high strung, opinionated, daring, and fiery. She seems to believe that smart people can only hang out with other smart people- Which means, in her mind, she's the only one who should be allowed to talk to Pheonix. It's hard to win an argument with her because she's also very logical, so if you must engage, pretend your talking to an irrational young Spock. Thankfully, disagreements about her little prejudices are minor ones that don't last long, and she's slowly but surely learning better. Marietta isn't always moody of course: More often then not, she's very loving and lively.

Much to her dismay, I apprenticed her to Fairy instead of Pheonix. I did so for three reasons: 
1. I didn't want Mari getting possessive over Pheonix.
2. Fairy also glows in the dark and can teach her a thing or two about that ability.
3. Her favoritism of her water abilities would clash with Pheonix's fire abilities.

Vanna, Headmaster's Exp #7: Age 10. 
Vanna has enhanced vision and hearing, invisibility, phasing, wingless flight, super strength, and invincibility.

Vanna is the sweetest, most compassionate, and innocent member of the entire gang. She's always cheerful and speaks softly. Sometimes she's a little bashful, but she's very simple and meek. She doesn't comprehend why anyone would want to be mean to anyone else, she's quick to give a compliment, and openly loves absolutely everyone; I'd go so far as to call her angelic really. It's not hard to see why she would be the Headmaster's favorite. From what I understand, she spent more time with him then any of the others, he was always very gentle with her, but even went so far as to put a tracking device in her so that he'd always know where she was!

Vanna is apprenticed to Crow. Simply because they're both so soft-spoken.


Well, those are the kids! Sorry it took so stinking long to introduce them. Precious as they are, it's almost impossible to get them to sit still. Every single one of them is energetic and adventurous. They want to explore everything and they want to do it as quickly as possible. We're all very happy to have them! Welcome aboard kids!

Thankfully, I've reserved a post for this landmark date. We won't have another number like this until 11.12.13.

Lloyd out!

Monday, September 24, 2012

[[Info Dump]] Our Escape & the Aftermath..

Phew! Sorry for not keeping you posted, it's been a mad house here at Myth Mansion... I know, I know, last you heard Genovia, Lavender, Pegasus, and I were trapped in The Old House with seven mutant children assassins and their evil leader, The Headmaster... Well, that was true two weeks ago, but a few days after I posted that update, the four of us resolved to escape PhyscoCity.

In the end, it was actually the lack of:
Sunshine, blue skies, moonlight, stars, wide open spaces, friendly faces, familiar places, family, friends, my precious Speeder, life without security cameras, junk food, fast food, a red emergency phone with Batman or Pizzaman on speed dial, a nightlight by my bedside, a comfortable mattress, an unlocked and slightly open bedroom door, my stuffed dog, my real dog, not hearing The Headmasters voice making an announcement every few minutes, not having to follow a ridiculously strict schedule, drawing paper, any color other then black and white and our super suits and natural skin or hair color, freedom of any kind, and basically a life style that wasn't totally the evil scientist's secret creation's way of living, ect. That really drove us over the deep end into all out "WE'VE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!!!" mode.

But after spending more than 72 hours living, laughing, and being with Erik, Tekan, Miko, Sheran, Jewel, Marietta, and Vanna, we'd really fallen in love with The Headmaster's future world disaster causers.

Now, as you recall, this was all part of the The Headmaster's plan. He had hoped we would form an attachment to his little creations so that we would give our powers to them willingly... But while he was right about the attachment thing, his estimate on the outcome couldn't have been more off.
Honestly, would we, as superheros-- Defenders of justice, guardians of the innocent, the good guys who get put on hit-lists just for showing up, really let our personal feelings and attachments get in the way of stopping terrorist conquest?.. Heh, Nuuuu! But neither would we forgo those aforementioned personal feelings and attachments. So, our plan to escape was formulated with seven extra escapees in mind.

Since Lavender is a genius when it comes to freeing herself and others from enclosed spaces where law-offenders are usually kept, she was in charge of the plan. She chose the ventilation shaft in the recreation room/indoor-park as an exiting point, preparing for the fact that it may be both booby-trapped as well as too small for actual entry, as well as lead in the opposite direction we wanted to go in order to be pumped through a purifying machine-- All of which it did.
Boy! Lav sure understands the criminal mindset of someone who doesn't want their prisoner to escape!
So how'd we do it?... To be honest, it wasn't a quiet getaway, but the amount of force required to bust our way out made so that no one could stop us.

In the end, we left a huge gaping pit where a seemingly unsuspecting well had once been, in the middle of a vast yet empty field... We also figured out why they called it "The Old House", apparently the proper entry/exit point that the scientists always took to get back into the world and go home was the front door to a very spooky, supposedly abandoned, unsuspecting house in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by gnarled trees... Yes, I know I used the word "Unsuspecting" twice, but it really was! Seriously, if I hadn't gone from the inside-out, and was just a passer-by, I would've thought it was nothing more then an abandoned cottage where a farmer used to live; complete with untended, overgrown cropland and crumbling barn a mile or two behind the house. There was even a worn down clothes line beside the well we destroyed!!!

 A little bit like this.. Only worse..

I never would've guessed that just behind the front door was an elevator that led hundreds of feet under the earth into a gigantic laboratory- Of which I discovered that the kids, Lav, Gen, Peg, and I only ever saw a tiny bit.. It was more then just those small hallways, our bedroom, the mess hall, the indoor-park, and the training room. Like YIKES! How long have they been building that place? And do they have earthquake insurance? Because the first whopper that shakes that place in going leave a canyon full of scientific gadgetry and illegal inventions of every freakazoid-kind imaginable in it's wake! Believe me, it was totally creepy.

But in the end, we made it home safe and sound...
And I promptly got in trouble with my probation officers for disappearing. What gives?! You know, if they had been doing their job correctly, Peg, Gen, Lav and I would never have gotten snagged like that without anybody seeing or knowing!.. But come to think of it, we also never would've met the kids, so hurray for slackers... This time.. <_<

Anyway, after that was all figured out, I then got in trouble with Nick Fury and SHIELD! I told them everything that had happened, but instead of charging out to go arrest Headmaster and end The Old House operation for good, they wanted custody of the kids! OF ALL THE NERVE!!! "Dangers to humanity" my left eye! ((No pun intended)) They're just kids! I've dealt with worse who knew better! These kids can and will learn, The Mythical Gang and I will teach them, SHIELD's services are NOT required!

...Okay, while there was a big argument,  Nick actually consented to letting us train these kids for the better. He also agreed to let Catnip and Bluebird- Who just happened to appear out of the random wood-work and get me into even more trouble, to stay too. I'm so happy to see those two again! At his suggestion, we've started the Mythical Gang Apprentice Program, or MGAP.
It was hectic the first week, but after assigning one kid per teacher all jedi-like, it's going a lot better.

!!! Dern it!! Miko broke something again. I'll be back to introduce all the kids and explain MGAP a little better later. Till then!

Lloyd out!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Conserning Evil Scientists...

Evil what?
Evil Scientists.
*GASPETH* You said a bad word!

Not really... But I seriously despise those guys. They're completely turned backwards, upside-down, inside-out, and twisted into gooey, gross imperfection! They are honestly the worst things in the world! They are my pet peeve, my worst nightmare, my Frankenstein's head on a spider's body!--Just in case I haven't stressed this enough: I DOUBLE-TRIPLE-QUADRUPLE CLACK EVIL SCIENTISTS!!

I bet you're wondering what events set me off on this little rant.

Well, try guessing where I am right now... Go on, guess!...........
If you guessed anywhere but being held prisoner in some kind of heavily guarded, top secret, under-ground laboratory, you guessed wrong. Believe it or not, such a place is exactly where Lavender, Pegasus, Genovia and I have all found ourselves.
Let me explain how we got here:

It was the aforementioned foursome responding to a call for immediate assistance from two police officers about a hostage situation and a super villain- Now, normally police officers don't call on vigilante heros such as myself, but Pegasus is something we call "a registered super hero", meaning she signed paperwork and is legally filed with the government.
So anyway, we think this'll be a pretty normal routine, right? Show up, beat the bad guy, save the citizen, go home. Nothing abnormal about that part, ya' think... But when we got half way through said-routine, suddenly the two police officers turn on us and hit Pegasus and Genovia with some sort of electronic paralyzing zapper! At the same time, the wounded citizen and supposedly defeated villain pull the same stunt on Lavender, and myself!

 So yeah; We were set up, ambushed, then zapped unconscious... And after we rescued that guy too!

We each wake up almost unanimously to find ourselves strapped down on separate tables, in a black room with a vague, almost non-existant red light illuminating from some place.

"Uhg.. What happened?" Genovia asked.

"We were tricked!" Lavender replied, "I can't believe we fell for that!"

"Me either.." Genovia agrees, "It was too secluded an area, and too easy. There should've been more policeman if the threat was serious enough to call in four super heros."

"I know.. How did we miss that?" I moan.
But my question goes unanswered and Pegasus asks her own: "Where are we?" she says.

We can barely make out all the creepy looking scientific gadgetry on the shelves around us before the tables we're on suddenly shift into a slanted position and turn toward the center of the room-- So we're all basically standing up and facing each other.

"Uh oh... Bad vibe." I said.

Then a four screen TV lowers from the ceiling and flips on to show the silhouette of a nutcase in a hood.
"Good evening girls, welcome to The Old House; a secret organization that specializes in genetic experimentation. I am The Headmaster. I will be your host during your stay here." he says with a heavy English accent, and sorta-rolls-sorta-slurs his 'R's.

"How long will that be exactly?" Lavender asked.

I, of course, am less willing to indulge in conversation with this guy after that particular sentence about 'a secret organization that specializes in genetic experimentation.' 

"Come now, super hero Lloyd. I would never do such a ridiculous thing." The Headmaster laughs.

"Sure you wouldn't." I sarcastically, continuing in my squirming.

"I only issue the command for operation anyway, the Doctors are the ones who actually preform surgery." he says seriously.


Unsurprisingly, he continued to laugh at me. "I heard you were an entertaining one, super hero Lloyd. I just never imagined how entertaining." I blew a raspberry at him and continued my struggling.

"What do you want?" Pegasus asked, kinda giving the bully permission to tease.. Or gloat, because he suddenly goes off on, I kid you not, prepared speech about his work and what he's tried to accomplish over his lifetime, using that tone that folks do when they're trying to make their story sound like a glorious quest. I'd love to tell you what he said exactly, but frankly, he used way too many big words... And I was too busy trying to figure out how the straps worked to pay attention anyway. I understood a few things, however, and it was that he was one of those lunatic psycho's who used world-war and suffering as an excuse to try and subjugate the whole entire Earth... You know the type.

Anyway, he said something about having seven genetically enhanced mutant assassins who were bred from birth to do his bidding and conquer one continent each. All weird like, he told us that these assassins had the strongest mutant powers he could get a hold of, but that they weren't perfect yet, and that's where we came in::
  1. With Pegasus's ability, he would enhance his assassins to their most powerful capable point and make sure they never get tired.
  2. With Lavender's ability, he could enhance their defenses so that no weapon imaginable could harm them.
  3. With Genovia's ability to phase through solid objects, nothing would be able to keep them out.
  4. And with my instant healing abilities, even if they were hit they wouldn't be harmed.
 Sounds like fun, no?.. Let me answer that: NO!
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait! Back up!" Pegasus interrupted, drawing an annoyed sigh from The Headmaster. "These assassins of yours, didn't you just say they were going to take over the world for you?"

"More or less." The Headmaster said impatiently.

"Okay, well, you obviously know pretty  much about us.. But did you miss the part in our records that said we're super heros? What makes you think we'll just stand by and let you do all of that?" Pegasus snapped.

"May I remind you that you are currently at my mercy. If I wanted to take your powers against your will, I could right now, or would've before you had regained consciousness.." He said, pausing sorta menacingly. Then continued more lightly: "Far be it from me, however, to force one into something against their will, or take without asking. I actually feel quite confident that once you meet my assassins, you'll willingly submit to having them made invincible."

"Aaaaaaand what makes you so sure of that? Like she said, we're super heroes." Lavender stressed.
I didn't say anything, because I had finally managed to free my wrist from the strap that held it bound.

"Come see for yourselves." The Headmaster said slyly. Upon finishing his sentence, the TV screen turned off, and slowly disappeared from sight. It was instantly followed by the red light shutting off and leaving us in complete darkness. Then, with a loud CLICK!, the straps holding us to the tables suddenly disappeared and dropped us all to the floor. At the same time, a large rectangular door opened in the wall, allowing blinding pale white light to flood in--- If you don't know what that feels like to the eyeballs, trying staying in a pitch black room for about three hours, then stepping outside immediately into clear blue skies and sunshine... Or taking a rubber band and using the sling shot method to slap yourself in the open iris... Yeah.

Well anyway, our eyes eventually got used to the light, at which time we ventured out into the long white hallways that looked a little like hospital hallways on colorless steroids. Two guys in lab coats met us and led us into a big room with trees and a playground, but four stark white walls and a ceiling: Like an indoor park. Lavender quickly pointed out the small ventilation system nearly six stories above our heads on the white ceiling. 
"Really? I thought that was a frozen bug." I said.

We were then introduced to the assassins... Who, in fact, are extremely cute and playful, and vary in ages from 15 to 10... Oh yeah, this Headmaster had definitely seen the latest news special in which I had surrendered my own freedom to help two kids escape the law... No wonder he was so confident.
Well, we've been in said scenario for..........................
I just remembered, I don't have a watch and we can't see the sun from here....... I'm going to go crazy!
.....Tekan says we'll be heading to the mess hall for dinner in a little while, and then to bed soon after that. So, I'm guessing if the Headmaster is a normal person, it's almost 6:00.. However, if he's like me, it's almost 11:30...
What?.. Who is Tekan?
Oh! I'll gladly introduce you to all the kids as soon as I can, but they just called a line up.. So I'm guessing we're about to go eat. I'll catch you later with new details in my next post. Till then.

Lloyd out!
P.S As soon as I figure out my location, send out service!.. Seriously Nick, I know you read these.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Being "Lloyd"...

Today I've decided to address a common, name-related misconception. and explain a few things about my suit. You see, I've had a lot of people ask me why I chose "Lloyd" as my super name, instead of something more related to my powers, and why my suit isn't themed..
Well firstly, your suit is not only something you throw together to hide your real identity, it's a form of wearable art. Art is always the artist expressing themselves, and a suit always expresses a part of who you are. Many super suits are themed after their creator's powers- Powers being a part of who that person is..  Thing is, I started my super hero career and created my suit back before I had any powers, so I had to choose some other aspect of my personality to theme it off of: My suit is simple and blue because I love simple things and royal blue has always been my favorite color, so I went with that.
As for my name, did you know that many civilians know me as "BlueGirl"? This is because of  the media. Newspapers and reporters are unfailingly always the ones whom give new super heroes their names. Take Superman, Ironman, and Spiderman for instance-- Well, Spiderman got his name from a wrestling match, didn't he? 
Anyway, very few non-super powered people know that I actually go by 'Lloyd'.
'Lloyd' within it's self doesn't have anything to do with me, but it became my super name during a hilarious string of events which involved my cousin being obsessed with something called The Legend Of The Dragoons and more particularly interested in a character called Lloyd. He spent a full day telling me and my sisters about it and how cool that character in particular was. Later that night, I suited up for my very first super hero mission but somehow got framed and ended up answering to the Justice League. Batman must have recognized me from all those years ago when I first met Jack, and started pressuring me for what I called myself. 
He didn't accept "My identity is a secret."
nor did he accept "I haven't decided on a name yet."
or "Cinderella?"
Finally Flash suggested Blue Girl, but I wasn't big on those cheesy-classicy-obvious names so I said; "That's dumb.. My name is.... Lloyd." Ever since then, it just sorta stuck, and like my plain blue suit, I have felt no need to change it.

What's more, apparently to many pessimists-  Batman and Nick Fury included, "LLOYD" stands for::
"Long Living Optimistic Young Dork."

Which is very witty and true to my personality and power, so I'm adopting it as my super name's true meaning. How can I resist? After all, Bat-Buddy and Nicker-bopper are never wrong. >=D

Lloyd out!

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Hello my comfy chair! 
Hello my holographic computer ball! 
Hello all you wonderful reader people and unfortunate stumbled-into-it people!!  

Guess what- I'm guilty! Yup, the judge said so.. Sad for him, being guilty of showing super hero mercy and helping your villain for the betterment of all is not a crime punishable by 26 years in jail. It IS, in his mind however, a crime punishable..

Therefore, I'm on parole for 6 months under the close watch of police men and SHIELD agents alike... I won't lie to you.. It's been tough. I once plotted to spend a prolonged vacation on a distant planet until my 6 months of playing "Goldfish" were up, but I figured I'd miss my life-saving job too much. So, here I am to stay.

Now, here's my problem. Agents from a very nosy company and police officers are watching me 24/7, but I don't stay super'd that long... I figured that If I'm constantly being watched, then I can't take off my suit without blowing my secret identity, and thus Genovia and I have been working on a system that helps me get back to my ordinary life without blowing that said identity. It's really tough, and considering Nick Fury reads my blog, I cannot disclose exactly how it's done, but it's totally worth it.
The alternative being I create a toxic pool with bleach, laundry detergent, fabric softener, soap, and strawberry shampoo to jump into every time I need to wash my hair or my suit... And you understand why I can't do that::

*hint hint*

But anywhoo, other then that, the court was very touching. I had a lot of old friends, acquaintances, and people I didn't even think liked me at all show up to plead my case and prove my character before the judge. Even Batman! @_@ I thought for sure he was gonna push to have me locked up forever...
It's nice to know I have so many buddies around. It makes me feel pink and bubbly inside! =D

Catnip and Bluebird sent me a post card with no return address... I have no idea how. They told me they were happy and doing very well. Oh, and they also said that by the time I received the card they would've switched locations so SHIELD can't track them. Such a clever pair.. You know, now that things are basically straightened out, I'm finally starting to miss them. They were good kids you know, and a lot of fun to be around. Maybe someday I'll meet them again? I hope so.

Lloyd out!... Literally!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Hello Readers!

Hey everybody! This is Genovia. I'm writing at the request of Lloyd, who is currently in a super prison from which even Superman could not escape. Why? Well, Lloyd explained that in a note that I'll let you read in a minute. First, she'd like me to let you know that this is the last time -- until her unlikely bail -- that you'll be seeing anything new on this blog.
She gave me a note on a piece of paper to copy down and submit here.

[[From Lloyd - Please post on Lloydsnoggin.blogspot.com]] 
"Dear readers,
I wish to bid one last farewell to you, for after this, they take my holographic computer ball away from me and leave me alone in this cubical to contemplate the events which led me here..... Those said events being:: 

I happened to meet and befriend two kids; Bluebird and Catnip. Good young people; nice, funny, clever, a little stubborn, but all in all alright. Well, about a week ago they showed up at my door begging for help. They told me the story of a brilliant scientist who had been employed by an evil company and experimented with DNA that would help his dying baby girl to survive. However, he soon discovered his daughter to have a powerful x-gene that his company would no doubt exploit for malicious purposes. Thus he took all of his research and vanished without a trace- Leaving both the company and the company's rivals searching for him.. He made a quiet life in little known canyon town, but continued to invent in his basement; making new things that would help the town and it's people flourish. His daughter grew up and they were all happy- Then the old man died, and while going through his stuff, the townspeople began to be afraid of the old research they were finding as it all still had his old company logo on it... Once his daughter starting toying these things, they got super edgy and called that old company rival that I told you about --Who in this case, happens to be SHIELD-- Yeah...... 

Well, long story short, they told me that Catnip was the daughter of that deceased ex-HYDRA agent, and Bluebird was his ward. They escaped the town and SHIELD only to get snagged by HYDRA a second later. They admitted they had been working for HYDRA for a few weeks but only just discovered that HYDRA was actually the bad guys. Now they needed my help in freeing some captives they got and escaping HYDRA and SHIELD forever..

How could I say no?.. I mean, they were just kids- Both were younger then me.. And we'd become friends. So I did.. Unfortunately that involved doing some questionable things such as resisting an officer, dodging my own government-affiliated super hero sister, and accidentally throwing my glove into the windshield of a SHIELD agents car and making him swerve. I was phoned several times by my friends, family, and Nick Fury himself, begging/demanding me to give up. However, I was convinced my cause was noble and went through with it anyway. In the end, Catnip, Bluebird, and I saved Hydra's captives and got that particular HYDRA group arrested by SHIELD

.. But SHIELD was close behind Catnip and Bluebird too... I was forced into an action that would seal my fate as an enemy to those I had once see as friends: Fending off a SHIELD agent, I gave Bluebird and Catnip my speeder and an invisibility shield, and let them escape. 

Thunderbird, an old friend of Lavender's (previously known as Crow) whom has recently joined the Mythical Gang, said my actions were nothing short of being a true hero and I thank him for that. 
He's not all-together the sharpest knife in the drawer, but after being called a criminal so much, I really needed to hear that. 
As of right now, I'm to be interrogated while friends and family hopelessly work to prove my innocence, but I will not be able to write you all again for sometime. Happy thoughts for you till then and whenever I see you again.

Lloyd out!"

Adding to that, I should let you know that the interrogation ensued, in the which Lloyd has refused to give location or information on the kids, and openly wished the duo well!... Things don't look good for her...
They decided not to give her a trial until Catnip and Bluebird somehow hacked the TV channel network, explained their side of the story exactly as Lloyd did, and broadcast some home videos of Catnip's childhood to prove it... Now she has a trial scheduled for a week from now.

Lloyd's sister Galexia called a renowned mutant named Lawyer Davis in to plead her case in a trial. He's never lost a case, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed anyway.


Monday, July 23, 2012

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Thunderbird!

Nickname: Crow
Lavender's old accomplice/boyfriend - Formerly Crow. 
Seems as though Lavender's old villain team-mate, who confidentially had a crush on her, has found us out. He's a Thanagarian with arcane weaponry, flight, enhanced strength, healing factor, and enhanced vision. He showed up and gave me a pitiful account of his life after Lav left and her evil mutant alien, Jen, took over The Purples. On his hands and knees and basically in tears, he begged me to let him join the Mythical Gang. It's only been a few months since Lavender joined my gang, and I trust her, but I'm a still a little nervous that he might convince Lavender to go bad again.. But I let him join anyway, on the condition that he changed his name to a more mythical creature- Like a Thunderbird-- He's got a electric weapon anyway.
He's sorta dopey, emotional, and wimpy, but he's got a good and tender heart.

BuddyPoke anomalies: Spot on, only his eyes are blue and that thing on his head is actually a bird-like helmet. Oh.. And he has a pair of wings...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Famous Last Words...

So depressingly true... 

I took an online to test to discover what my famous last words would be. All it did was ask me how clumsy I was and what I did in video games, and yet it's strangely accurate. When things are super intense, I always find myself saying exactly that: "WEEEE! This is FUN!"- Or just "WEEEEE!" if I don't have time for the rest of it..... No lie.
It's sorta scary how accurate this is..

Lloyd out!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I'll Be A Hero!

I love inspiring "Hero" songs! They make me feel good about what I do, and what I've seen my friends and family do. I've come across some pretty good ones lately.

Unfortuately, I don't have time make my post long or entertaining today.. I'm pretty swamped with the inbetween stuff that those superhero T.V episodes never show:
Lavender vs. Pegasus drama going on, plus my intergalactic sister has been fired from her royal-alien-brat-sitting job, AND the Baby Team (my younger siblings) have all come down with the flu... But here is a picture of myself and the gang, as well as some of our favorite "Hero" songs!

((DISCLAIMER: These are Youtube videos.. I don't own rights to anything, and a special thanks to the uploaders.))

1. My Favorite: Good Guys Win - Jimmy Buffet

2. Gryff's Favorite: Hero - Sterling Knight

3. Lavender's Favorite: Hero - Mariah Carey

 Dragon, Fairy, Phoenix, Genovia, and Pegasus are still looking and listening for their favorite "Hero" songs. I'll add 'em when they find 'em. In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed!

Lloyd Out!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Enter Pegasus!

Well, we finally have a new addition to the Mythical Gang: Pegasus!
Nickname: Peg
 BuddyPoke anomalies: The real Pegasus has wings, wears most of her hair down, and has yellow in her eyes.
Like myself and Lavender, Pegasus is a mutant but with both abilities and a mutation: She has a pair of white wings that grant her the ability to fly, but she can also produce an infinite amount of energy within herself and others- Like a battery, she can increase someone's power, but only for as long as she's touching them. This also means that the next time there is intergalactic emergency I'll still have two people who will stay on Earth with me! 8D
 ... And yet all is not well in Candyland....

You see, Pegasus and Lavender don't get along very well on account of family issues. Apparently, Pegasus has been a long time archenemy of Lav's family- You know, the hero they always fight? Yeah. I thought I was Lavender's favorite enemy, guess not... As you might have guessed, this is a major problem when it comes to getting the two of them to work together because the antagonist vs protagonist thing is still going on, only now they're on the same side..

They're always arguing all the time! Even Phoenix, fireball in every essence of the word, can't take it anymore and has decided to sleep on the roof until further notice. I've done my best to quell the fighting, I've even put the two disagreeing parties in the rooms furthest apart from each other, but that does not seem to help.

How does one go about making two rivals become friends? Life and death situation? Puh! I think not. Instead of working together to escape wherever I'd drop them, they'd take advantage of my absence and kill each other... You know, that kinda sounds familiar... Did someone think the same thing about Thor and Loki once? *thoughtful face*

How about a common foe? Same outcome. Believe it or not, Lavender is not beyond "accidentally" hitting Pegasus with a shield ball during a serious fight and Pegasus, in turn, will "accidentally" whack Lavender in the head with her golden boomerang...

(First time I've ever had a gang member who uses a weapon)..

And yes, this has happened more then once over a period of two weeks! I think the other gang members are blaming me for this..... I did insist we had to have a new member after all...
But I only had the best intentions! *weeps many tears*

Lloyd out!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

New Enemies

I need some..
Yes, I said that. I just realized that ever since Lavender joined my team, I no longer have any archenemies.. All my friends have archenemies, most of my gang members have archenemies, some of my family members have archenemies.. I'm the only one who doesn't anymore.

Am I complaining?
No. But it does get tiresome going to defeat some villain and having them swear revenge on the person standing beside you. I'm like: "Wut? No death threats for me?..." Granted, I can't die.. But a little wishful thinking wouldn't make me feel left out.
I'm not going to go place a wanted add in the newspaper or anything, but just in case, how does this sound?

WANTED: Archenemy
Must be sarcastic, smooth-talking, smart, dangerous, exercises restraint- scary restraint; like could but not gonna.. Twisted honor factor is always fun, kinda likable but mostly scary, good reason for being evil, more dastardly then grand theft- but not murder. NO EVIL SCIENTISTS! Cannot be related to me or anyone I know, wouldn't hurt if you were tall and good looking for intimidation purposes.

Submit your tract record to --- this address and await duking-it-out auditions.

Lloyd out!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Introducing ~ BuddyPoke Style!

Alright, alright, alright, ALRIGHT ALREADY!!
 Phew.... Okay, the Mythical Gang wants to be introduced on my blog... They've been nagging me about it for, like, EVER!.. But I don't have a camera present and it would take too long to draw profiles for you, so I sent every member of the group to my new favorite facebook game: BuddyPoke- And told them to make themselves outta 3D buddies.
This is what they came up with-- Granted, these are not exact likenesses due to BuddyPoke not having every required feature available, but they had enough to get the basic idea across. I've posted the Mythical Buddies below, as well as some information about the gang member that they represent. I've also listed what was wrong with the design. Enjoy!

Nickname: Lav
My Ex-Archenemy. 
Lavender is what some people call "a mutant", most people would say "a freak", and I affectionately refer to as "a gifted human being with superhuman abilities".
She can create super energy shields of any size that will return any force inflicted on it ten-fold to sender, sorta like a rubber ball. She started her career as a villain mostly because of her family: Like me, every single person in her family is also a mutant. She was once the leader of a super villain group called The Purples. She is the daughter of the elusive villain aristocrat, Sonic Thunder, and the step-daughter of a super lawyer called MindsEye. She has a step-brother and a half-sister who are also mutant villains.
If I had to describe Lavender using personality traits only, she would be;
Pushy, emotional, prideful, sassy, head-strong, spicy, affectionate, and flirtatious toward cute guys. She often plays 'better-then-thou' and pretends to be snobby. In a phrase: "She's smooth as cream, even when she's working against you." ~ Miss Stacy, Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel

BuddyPoke anomalies: This one is pretty good. Lav's real uniform is actually all just one shade of purple. Only the left sleeve is lighter then the rest because the fabric over that arm is kinda see-through. 

Nickname: Gen
My Young Justice friend.
Genovia comes from mars-- Yup, she's a little green martian... Only she's not little.. She's about the same size as a regular human teenager. She was one of the first Mythical Gang members, and frankly, she has a lot of abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, senses, mentality, and endurance, Shapeshifting, Hypnosis, Telekinesis, Density alteration, Longevity, Healing factor, Flight, Telepathy, and something weird she calls Martian Vision.
Do these powers sound familiar?.. Then you must be a Justice League fan, for in fact, Genovia is the daughter of the renowned Martian Manhunter, AKA J'onn J'onzz.
Gen is a little harder to describe personality wise, but she's mostly:
Serious, quiet, compassionate, contemplative, eh... Sorta motherly. She's the mature one who prefers a diplomatic solution over fighting, I guess you could say.

BuddyPoke anomalies: Oh dear, oh dear, where to begin? For starters, her eyes turned out green for some reason; they're supposed to be orange- without pupils or eye whites. She only has one revealing stripe on the lower half of each of her thighs. She also wears full-sleeves, with one diamond shaped hole on either shoulder. On her left shoulder, she should have some funky-looking dark green marking that she got from another dimension after doing a heroic deed-- ((I'll tell you that story later.)) 

Nickname: Fair
Our friendly neighborhood Invader.
Fairy is also a mutant, but she's a mutant alien. Her original race were a bunch of eggy white, black, and red Invaders who are allergic to sunlight.. Funny thing is: Poor Fairy can shoot sunlight from her fingertips. So to her people, her powers are basically lethal.
Fairy came with the conquest group to Mars, and later, to Earth- Having stowed away both times. She was never sympathetic to her people's war-like ways, and was actually just searching for a place where she could belong. She joined the Mythical Gang shortly after the Justice League vanquished the alien invasion and was later was able to take on a human form with fairy wings- Hence her name.
Fairy can definitely be described as a generous, confident, care-free girly-girl.
She's a fashionista: Loves to shop, always has just the right outfit (ie. for herself and others), totally into facials and makeovers, looks her best 100% of the time-- Come to think of it, she may be the only one in the group who still looks fabulous even after a huge battle.

BuddyPoke anomalies: Well, for starters, she has yellow pixie wings. Also, Fairy never wears her hair like that- It's always in a braid. As far as her outfit goes, it's pretty well done, only she wears a white shoulder shawl-thingy and the grey on her boots should be pointed knee gaurds.

Nickname: Drag
A tom-boy in someways more then others.
Dragon is not a mutant alien, but she is an alien who has somehow been mutated. She comes from very different kind of alien world where all girls are gryffin-like and all guys are dragon-like, but through some freak of nature, she and her twin brother Gryffin came out in reverse: A gryffin-like guy and a dragon-like girl.... I guess with that being the case, it is safey assume that Dragon must look very manly and her brother very girly on their planet- To us on Earth though, they look normal
Anywhoo, I rescued the both of them from drowning after their hijacked spaceship crash landed in a swimming pool. They escaped their home world on (would you believe) Dragon's wedding day, trying to save her from being forcefully wed to the king.. The creep later followed them to Earth-- Another long story that I'll eventually get around to telling you.
To describe Dragon, I would used the terms: Tom-boy, head strong, go-getter, firey, somewhat snarky, and dare I say aggressive.. But only on bad days.
Her abilities include a killer screech, fire breath, flight, very strong razor sharp claws, superhuman strength, speed, agility, endurance, and longevity and keen senses. 

BuddyPoke anomalies: o.o;; Pretty much everything... Her hair is longer then that, she has webbed ear-fins, and a dragon's wings and tail. There is no white stripe on her torso at all, and the red on her uniform only covers her stomach, not her chest. Her belt should also have a yin & yang symbol on it, as should the sides of her boots.

Nickname: Gryff
Currently, the only boy in our group.. How sad.
Gryffin is Dragon's twin brother. He was the one who initiated the escape from their home world in order to save his sister from an arranged marriage.
I think of all of us, Gryffin has done the most growing up: Going from a very wimpy, immature peacock boy to a strong and handsome teenage heartthrob. While he admits that being the only boy in a group of super girls is tough sometimes, I think he's turned out all the better for it- Especially considering the fact that he's starting to take an interest in girl's now... ((He insists I add::)) "If you're looking for a charming guy who is more considerate then most, and knows how to be a proper gentleman when in a ladies presence, then give [Gryff] a ring"-- Beware though, we're kinda like a little family, so me and the girls are a bit possessive over him.. ;)
Describing Gryffin in a few words is easy: Affable, playful, easygoing, carefree, goofball, and always cheerful, but I'd be lying if I said he isn't kinda arrogant and lazy sometimes.
Like Dragon,  his abilities contribute to his names sake: Killer screech, lightning breath, flight, very strong razor sharp talons, superhuman strength, speed, agility, endurance, and longevity and keen senses.
BuddyPoke anomalies: Surprisingly, this is actually pretty spot on- Except for the obvious fact that he has feathered wings, a lion's tail, and his ears are feathered.

Nickname: Fee
Our human-like fireball.
Phoenix is neither alien nor mutant, but she ain't human either even though she has a human form. We're talking about the embodiment of the element of fire- Basically a fireball with a soul. Phoenix naturally has every single fire ability you can think of: Controlling fire, fireballs, even being immune to burns and heat- You name it, she's got it! Like the legendary creature for which she is named, she's pretty much indestructible. She'll just vanish into ash whenever she's supposedly killed, only to roar to life in an fiery blaze a minute later.
Her only weakness is water- ((Why let that out of the bag?.. Because the only people who'd actually care, already know.))
She was the third member to join the mythical gang, and to be honest, she's the brains of the entire outfit. We each contribute to the technology we use by applying our knowledge where it's needed, but Phoenix is the one who throws it all together. She's the one who created my speeder!
Personality wise, she is: Hot-headed, strong willed, independent, and optimistic.. Sometime short of temper,  but what else would you expect from an immortal ball of flame?

BuddyPoke anomalies: Again, sorta spot on, but not exactly. Her hair does stick up, but not like that. She wears dark red gloves, and the symbol on her chest in really a fiery bird.   
Well, the boots don't come up high enough.


Ah yes, Mythical Gang drop outs... We have those, yes indeedee. 

Uni was the youngest member in our group. She doesn't really have any powers, but she is a mutant. She decided super hero life just isn't for her, and perused an ice-skating career instead. She was an orphan when I first met her, but her coaches have long since adopted her... She's very happy with them and writes regularly.
Sweet, compassionate, and soft-spoken.. Superhero life really wasn't for her.

BuddyPoke anomalies: Perfect... Only she's missing the little horn that sticks out of the top of her head- Hence her name.

Nickname: Jack
Jack was literally the first member of the Mythical Gang.. He was with me before we even became a gang. I first met him on the streets of Gotham City-- But I already told you that story. Though he didn't have any powers, he was definitely my favorite and we even dated at one time.
He didn't look like a twisted clown boy when I first met him; the Joker did that to him somehow after shooting me, which was actually when I first got my powers.. ((I don't think I'll ever tell you that story.. It's intense))
He used to be charismatic and cheerful, but... Well, I dunno. He just slowly became solemn, bitter, under confident, mistrusting toward even me, completely grey aura, just such a drag. Stopped smiling, never laughed. I think he lost his emotional marbles. He left the Myth Mansion and never came back, even stopped contacting me. When I asked him what the deal was, he said he couldn't tell me because he was protecting me.... How do you deal with a person like that?
I used to be sympathetic and understanding, but after repeated blow-offs, I stopped trying. I admit nowadays when we do actually talk, I'm not the friendliest person in the world toward him.

BuddyPoke anomalies: His boots have curly toes and are mismatched.. His face is also more colorful then that, but this works.

And that's everyone!
Now when I tell you a story, you can actually enjoy it. Hip-Hip-Hurrah!!
I'll draw more accurate pictures and post them later. Hope you liked this entry even though there weren't very many laughs, but hey, when are facts fun?

Lloyd out!

Monday, June 18, 2012

My First Adventure [Reminiscence Edition]

ACHOO! ... Yup, that was me.. I'm sick with a cold today.
You'd think that with instant healing abilities I'd be immune to this kind of stuff, but strangely, that's not the case. Granted, I recover from it quicker and it never seems to get as bad with me as it does with other people, but I can still catch it and give to someone else.
I actually graciously ended up sharing with my germs with my whole family just by breathing! I must be the nicest person ever.. *sarcasm* ACHOO! ...

Shout out and a helpful hint from the villains:
"Do NOT go crime fighting when your sick! We don't want to catch whatever it is that you got."

Sick heroes reply:
"Then take the day off.. Otherwise me and my army of germs are coming after you!"

You know, this actually reminds me of the last time I had a cold-- Not the last time I was sick, mind you, just the last time I had a cold.. I seem to recall it being a good 7 or 8 years ago. 

Though I was sneezing and sniffling up a storm that day, I was eager to try on my new home-made super suit. Imagine for a moment: A brand new hero of 11 or 12 years- No powers yet, but a very shiny blue suit, happily wandering the sunny streets of Gotham City looking for trouble... It goes without saying that I found it pretty quickly. To be precise I was almost run over by a laughing lunatic in bad makeup, going 80MPH in a School Zone... What a dork!

I only just make it out of the way, thanks in part to a force which sprung from the other side of the street and knocked me over, screaming: "LOOK OUT!". We fell pretty hard on the sidewalk, in safety for the most part, but we ended up skinning three of our knees and a eyebrow, plus an elbow.

"Are you alright?" The black haired boy asked, looking at me. He was as dirty as Aladdin with twice the street-rat feel, but cute and about a year older then me. So despite having been well educated in 'Don't talk to strangers', I replied with a "Thanks for saving me, but my knee hurts."
I thought 'stangers' only applied to grown-ups... Oh ho ho ho..

Silly me. Kiddies, let me clarify: 
Don't talk to anybody you don't know, no matter how old, unless your parents are present and paying very close attention. 
(Rule not only applies, but triples in Gotham City)

You'll live longer, suffer fewer broken hearts, and even less social mishaps where you make bad friends and end up getting arrested. Why am I stressing this? Because Jack seemed like a cute enough kid; Harmless and handsome.. What I didn't know at the time was he was a foot solider for some gangster guy named Yellow Jacket. Very bad, bad, bad guy.

Anyway, back to my story:
The boy stood up with ease and offered to help me up, introducing himself as Jack. Not yet having a code name, I introduced myself by my real name- A name which I shall not reveal on the internet. The pain of a knee that has hit a cement curb pretty hard is one I have not experienced in a long time, but will not soon forget. I didn't want to stand on it. Jack let me brace myself against him as I limped my way up on one foot and resisted the urge to cry.

"Maybe you should get to a hospital." Jack suggested.

"No, I'd rather just go home." I moaned. Pain and a green nose are an awful combo!

"Okay, where do you live?" Jack asked. I pointed in one direction, but the first hobble that way made me realize that walking home was not going to happen.

 "Do you have a phone?" I asked Jack. 
 He shook his head, "No, but I know where a pay phone is."

"I don't have any money." I sniffled, feeling my nose start to run. As a little kid, I began to worry that I would be hurt and lost forever.

"I do." Jack said. What happened after that is pretty foggy because it was so long ago, but we did a lot of talking on our way to that phone- Which, I think, is when I figured out he was an orphan struggling to make ends meet by playing gang-foot solider. I don't think I took that as seriously as I should've. I mean, I knew it was bad, but I didn't freak out. I actually recall making a very innocent and childish offer:
"I'm a super hero, you know. I'm gonna have a team and headquarters of my very own someday. Why don't you become my second-in-command and live there with me? We'll fight crime together!"

Probably not in those exact words, but something like it... He was pretty little himself, so he agreed.

That's when the trouble started. 
Mr. Yellow Jacket's cronies found us and chased us around the city! Between Jack and I, we managed to outsmart them: Between pushing barrels on them, sneezing in the face of one guy who thought he had us, jumping over parked cars, and tripping another dude into the drink while we were passing it... We eventually ended up hiding in the phone booth we'd been looking for:

....Just kidding. While it did look pretty weird, it didn't look like that at all.
If we had found that one though, it might explain why my only friends are a bunch of aliens... Hmmm.. *shifty eyes* Jack passed me the first coin and I slipped it into the socket, waiting for the operator to pick up, but instead, a maniacal laugh sounded on the other end.

"Congratulations on finding my secret stash! You now have 24 hours to figure out what to do with this little gift, or else, bye-bye city!" It cheered.

And boom! Millions of silver coins spewed out of the slot and buried the two of us. "Hey ---! I think we're rich!" Jack cheered after getting over the initial shock. I grabbed one of the coins and turned it over in my hands. It was thicker then a coin should be, and had the Joker's face on it instead of a US President. 

"Hey, I've seen him before... He's the guy who almost ran us over." I said.

Jack leaned over and took a good look. "Oh yeah, he is." he said.

"So who is he?" I asked.

"He's called The Joker.. He's one of Batman's enemies." Jack explained.

"Perhaps it was stolen from the bank." I said, turning the small coin around in my hands. 

"Maybe we should return it!" Jack suggested.

"Good idea!.. They'll be so happy." So we gather all the strange coins into a wagon and start hauling it toward the bank. An alley cat saw us and yowled, then darted away as we passed. We didn't think much of it then, because it wasn't until years later that I realized:

ACHOO!!! As it so happens, that was actually the very first time I met Batman. You see, I tried to give the Joker Coins to the banker. He handed over us as many bags of gold as he could get his hands on, then fled in a cold panic. Being children, Jack and I figured that the Joker Coins were actually worth millions, so we went around the city paying people with Joker Coins- They all reacted with the same kind of excitement the banker had... We thought we really had hit the jackpot !
 I suddenly had enough to buy my expensive mansion and Jack, no longer needing money for food, announced to the whole world that he was quitting his work with Yellow Jacket.

What we were unaware of  was that earlier that morning, the Joker had challenged dear ol' Batman to a game of hide-and-seek. He hid millions of really tiny bombs in a certain place and had given Bats 24 hours to find and disarm them.. Batman had been searching for our Joker Coins all afternoon. He later discovered Jack and I had them and probably came to kindly confront us about it-- But when we saw him, we fled like guilty little robbers... Especially since we had been graciously distributing the Joker's Coins all over the city, in a way, doing the Joker's dirty work for him.

Batman is a scary guy! And his serious ways of getting what he wants translates as cruelty to a young mind.
In those years I thought of Batman as nothing more then a straight-faced meany with a huge ego who kissed every single girl he came in contact with.... Catwoman (who Bats is inlove with), Poison Ivy (who kisses folks to kill them)- It made no difference to me. I was convinced that he wanted to kiss me.

Long story very, very short: He chased around Gotham City for a long time with unknown intentions as we ditched the coins at every possible turn we could, thinking perhaps he wanted them because they were so valuable.. It's humorous when you think about it.
In the end, the Joker was very sore at us for spoiling his prank [Trust me on this, he told me so much, much later].. but he could never find us.
We escaped never once coming in contact with Bats, who in turn got and disarmed all the Joker Coins. ACHOO!

Ironically, Bats and I would meet a few years later after I started the superhero biz officially, and the long complicated love-hate relationship between the always laughing, hyper-active, clutzy, small town teen and the stiff-upper-lip, "better-then-thou", dignified, city vigilante would begin...
But that's quite a different story.. And one you're gonna have to wait for.
I'm sorry this one didn't have more details, but I AM under the weather and it WAS a very long time ago.. I remember the next one much better.
Till then- ACHOO!!

Lloyd out!